When I woke up it was already late afternoon. The burnt orange sun shone through the window of the room as my eyes fluttered open. My stomach grumbled which made me think about how long ago it was since I had food.

Getting up from the bed I made my way to the door stretching my arms above my head as I did. I have still to meet any of the other housemates and more importantly my roommate. Supposably she didn't stay for the party last night and stayed at a friends, so she wasn't here anyway, but I was looking forward to finally meeting her.

Walking out of the room I stumbled into a solid wall, with a load 'oomph'.

"Watch where you're going there darlin'" I heard a southern twang met my ears, turning to see a monster of a man, he was absolutely massive, at least 7 foot if not taller. He had a wide frame accompanied by a pair of jeans and a fannel. If all this didn't scream I am a cowboy his blond hair was encased in a cowboy hat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to promise" I mumbled as I tried to stifle a yawn,

"Am I boring you love?" He let out a low chuckle as he studied me,

"No sorry I am just jet lagged, I'm Allie" I said holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Oh, the famous Allegra Mastroianni, I have got to say I am surprised that I still have my head and ego still intacked"

"Oh you must have heard about my run in with my dearest Adam, no doubt my favourite roomie has shared all his favourite things about me in the last few hours"

"Oh yes of course! All good things!" He said with a laugh.

Without noticing we had slowly moved into the kitchen which was crowded with people, I started backing out to be swooped by Cowboys arms,

"Where you going Allie girl? We just getting started here and you have to meet everyone still!" He smirked and pushed me in.

"I see you found our number one girl there Jake" Adam came up and slapped him on the back giving her a heart stopping grin and a wink.

"Believe it or not she is a lot more pleasant after she has slept and ate!" Jer came in laughing and squeezing my shoulder as he passed. And God did he look good with his hair tousled in his just got out of bed look and his singlet and Nike shorts.

"Ha ha" I scold sending him a glare before turning my attention back to Adam,

"I am Allie"  I smiled politely and stuck out my hand, "it's nice to meet you", he seemed to be shocked as he stared at me with his mouth open and Jake started to laugh. Adam took my hand after he seemed to recover and kissed the back of it,
"Pleasure is all mine baby cakes"


After meeting the rest of our housemates, both Sophie and I decided to head back to our room and get to know each other a bit. We were just casually chatting as I was unpacking my stuff into the free draws and cupboard.

"Any siblings?" I asked absent mindedly,

"Two, oler brothers, Tyson and Samuel" she stated as she painted another coat of black nail polish onto her toes.

"What about you?" She asked,

"Same, but one younger, Carter, and then of course there's Matt"

"God brothers can be annoying" Sophie groaned as she checked her phone obviously getting a message from one of them. We both laughed at that.

She was a local girl but wanted to move out, she was in her second year and was studying psychology, where she had met Jake who told her about their spare room. I thought Sophie was a  pretty cool chick, a bit quiet but Jake sort of gave me a heads up on that and said that she would be more open once I got to know her.

"Oh I nearly forgot" Sophie mumbled as she was searching in her draw and then came up with a key,

"This is for you" I must have looked confused so she explained further,

"The boys like to have lots of parties and I don't participate in all that, so I either stay in my room and lock the door or go and stay at my brother's place, so the key is for the door"

"Oh, okay thanks" I said smiling at her. I understand why it would be more appealing to stay in here and you wouldn't even have to leave the room, we had our own bathroom and a mini fridge in here that Sophie was kind enough to offer to share, and split whatever was in there. I would rather stay in here sometimes then go out and party anyway so it sounded like a great hide out.

We continued to just chat and get to know each other a bit more before I was knackered and decided to hit the hay. Sophie asked if it was okay if she locked the door when we were going to sleep, said it was the only way she would be able to sleep. I agreed of course because what kind of roommate would I be if I didn't?


The next morning I was up at 5:30, which was the usual time that I wake up at home to go for a run. I had taken a walk yesterday afternoon with some of the other girls and Jake had shown me where the beach was. I wasn't a little skinny minney, I was a solid size 12 to 10 my entire life and needed to do some form of physical activity otherwise I would balloon like I did halfway through high school.

People used to bully me because of how big I was and Jeremy had forced me to start running with him and getting me into shape, actually making me feel as though I could get over this balloon stage I went to when I was sitting at a size 20. It took us a year, training together for me to be able to get to the size I was now but I had to work on it so I never got back there.

Silently I tried putting on my shorts and singlet I grabbed my earphones and keys to both the room and the house. I didn't want Sophie to freak out so I locked the for behind me. Sneaking down the stairs with hopes of not waking anyone up.

"Going somewhere sweetheart?" I heard his voice and internally cringed. Dear god this guy could take a hike.

"Adam, what do you want?" I asked slightly irritated and sleepy. Turning to look at him I was slightly shocked to see that he was shirtless and in low riding Nike shorts, his toned body was tanned and chest seemed to be glistening with sweat. Momentarily my mouth dropped and my eyes raked his body. Damn.

"Going for a run" I cleared my throat and finally looked into his eyes, which were staring at me intently.

"Well I was about to leave too, do you wanna come with? I'll show you the route that I take and that way you'll know your way round" he said simply with a smile.

I faulted for a moment before replying,
"Yeah let's go"

15minutes later...

We had reached the peak of the hill and it was breathtaking. It overlooked the beach and you could see the surfers sitting on the break.

I swiped my hand over my sweat and took in a deep breath.

"Wow, this is beautiful. I can't believe I am saying this but thanks for taking me up here Adam" I sincerely said to him as he walked beside me before taking a seat.

"You're welcome"

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