We ran together for the rest of the week and made some kind of new found friendship, we even shared a morning smoothie that we took turns in making in the morning. I was surprised to find out that we actually had a lot in common, and we actually were becoming to be quite good friends.

"Mornin'" I heard his gruff voice and I immediately froze at the blended and clenched my legs as I heard his sexy ass morning voice. I braced myself before turning around with a smile. Thank God I did, because there stood Jeremy, in a pair of loose shorts, with no shirt. Taking in a breath I replied,

"Morning J", whislt internally I was just repeating, Don't look at his abs! Don't look at the gorgeous bod. Don't look at his face! Just stop staring at him! AGH... Fuck I can't do it.

"I haven't seen you in a while A, where have you been?" He asked coming over to give me a hug, Circling my arms around his back I thought about the last time I had hung out with him. I came up blank, the last quality time we spent together was the plane ride over here and I held onto him a little tighter.

"I don't know, I feel like I haven't seen you forever, I guess I have just been busy with Soph, and Jake and the girls..."

"And Adam?" he mumbled. I looked up and stared at him confused as to where that had come from.

"We're only running in the morning J, nothing else is going on okay" I whispered with my chin situated on his chest so I could look up at his face, and gauge his reaction.

"Good" he whispered back and dropped a kiss on my head. Before I could dwell on what had just happened, Jeremy pulled away and went to grab a mug.

"So I was thinking that we could go for a surf today, what do you think?" he asked

"Um yeah... Sounds good" I replied confused.


A few hours later I was coming out of the water wth my board and a massive smile across my face. Walking over to the girls who were sunbaking for the last few hours and dropped my board next to Kelsey, who was another one of our roomates, probably the loudest and most prosumptious of all of us.

"Looked good out there babe" she said smacking me on the ass, when I dropped down to grab my towel. I yelped in surprise and laughed at how brass she is. I started to take off my wetsuit revealing my one piece.

I already knew that Sophie and myself were different from the other girls in the house and their friends who were lined up in their coloured bikinies. Usually I didn't have a problem with it, until now.

"Hey ladies, how we all doing"

"Pretty good Jezzy, how you doing good looking" Kesley's best friend and our other roommate Bridget, giggled in the background.

This only highlighted the reasons as to how different to the other girls. How I would never be them and how I would never have guys like Jeremy looking at me lustfully like they did now in their bikinies. And to think that today was meant to be 'our day', but I wasn't all that surprised.

"Damn girl I didn't know that you were that good" Adam plonked down on the other side of me and I started to laugh.

"I don't know if that is a complement or not there Adam"

"Oh a complement, 100%"

We both erupted in a laughter, and then we just fell into an easy conversation.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" the question came out of no where, and I took a quick glance at Jeremy to find him extremely confortable next to Bridge and her mate Kristy.

"Yeah, sound good" I smiled up at him and held out my hand for him to pull me up.


Jeremy's POV

I saw her leaving with him and immediately got pissed beyond reason. This was meant to be our day! And she fucking left with that asshole.

I felt Kelsey's hand land on my chest in attempts to get my attention. Looking down at her I tried to have a smile on my face but it probably came out as a grimace.

"Do you wanna rub some sunscreen on my back for me babe?" She said blinking her eyelashes at me. I smirked completely forgetting about Allie taking off with the dickwad,

"Sure, turn round Hun" I winked at her and immediately started on the job.

Not long after Jake came down with a cooler of beers and handed me one letting me know that the party had just begun. By the time the two love birds had come back I was pretty fucking smashed, which was shown by what I said,

"Have fun Adam? Have a nice walk mate? If that's what you call it here anyway" I snickered and a few of the others laughed. But as soon as the words left my mouth I saw Allegra's face change, she went from laughing at something Adam said to pure anger. If looks could kill I would be destroyed!

"God your an ass Jeremy" she seethed, and stomped past me to get a drink from the cooler. Adam just sent me a look that said I was being a dick and followed behind her.

"Get up dick for brains" I groaned already knowing that I was getting in trouble from my figurative father. Looking up at Matthew I reach up to grab his hand as he yanks me up to drag me for a talking to.

Allegra's POV

"God he can be such a fucking dick sometimes" I cursed Jeremy as I walked over to grab a drink. I had to start drinking if I was going to make it through tonight. By the time I had reached down to grab one Adam was by my side and gave me a quick look before saying,

"Was it just me or was he being a fucking asshole?" I smiled at his words taking a drink and nodding in agreement, he was being a fucking prick. We had had a nice walk together and laughed and mucked around talking about our families and friends and trading childhood stories. It had been nice to have more of a connection to him, and be able to laugh.

But coming back and listening to Jeremy immediately damped my mood, and now I was pissed and needed desperately to get fuck faced. Somehow being able to sense this my new bestie Jake came over with a bottle of tequila and some shot glasses, when I asked where Sophie was he told me she had gone home, guttered that my number one girl wasn't here I took the shot and asked for another.

It didn't take long for me to be pretty much wasted, and on the dancefloor looking like a loon.

"Alright A that's enough of that let's get you home" Matt scooped me up in his arms and started walking towards the road.

"I wanna stay Matttyyyy. Pwease let me stayyy" slurring my words I tucked my head under his chin and whined. I knew that Matt hated when I got drunk because I got loud, I got silly and with the right amount of drinks, I got really slutty. At this point in time I was borderline slutty. And Angel didn't want to leave all of the sexy men (my stripper name that I made everyone call me when I reached this point of the night).

"Angel I think he is right, time to go" Jake and Adam appeared at the side of Matt and both smiled at me.

"But Angel wants to stay!!" I yelled out causing a loud cheer in the crowd,

"See they want Angel to stay too" I laughed hysterically and tried to pull out of Matt's tight grip, when I finally managed to get out of his reach I stumbled into the chest of Jeremy. Looking up and seeing him made my mood immediately diminish. Without taking my eyes off him I walked over to Adam, looked up at him and asked,

"Do you wanna give me a picky back ride home Addy? I don't think I can walk that far" I said in a baby voice pouting my lips and batting my eyelashes. Looking at Matt for permission, he turned to me and replied,

"Hop on Bub"

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