Love Kills Slowly

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Hey this is my first book so please tell me anything that is wrong with it it's only the first chapter there will be more. Hope you like it.

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Chapter one

Unlike other annoying girls I don't easily love or like in any matter. I go for celebrities, the ones that I won't ever meet. The guys at my school are jerks, they only want a girl to make out with every now and then. I want my love to be... Real, alive, and longer then an hour.

"Jen hey wanna hang later, we could go to the mall or the movies or-"

"No" I interrupted " No ah how about this weekend I don't feel to good I don't want to get you sick." unfortunately that wasn't the truth and I'm a terrible lier.

Rubbing my throut she jumpes up and down like and energetic bunny and squeals " A-maz-ing it's gunna be so much fun oooooh let's have a sleep over."

"Sounds greet, Liv, I'll txt you but I gotta go now one more period till the end of school."

Liv is basically my only friend in this jail they call high school. She has this beautiful natural tan that suits her personality perfect, her eyelashes are naturally curled, she always wears the perfect amount of make up so you can still see her natural beauty, her hair is an amazing blonde with a very little but noticeable brown, she has perfectly plucked eyebrows and there is never a time where they don't look amazing, and her face is rounded but her chin lowers making her look even more gorgeous then she already is.

" Does your mom shop for you? I think I have that same sweeter for my dog, his name is Max." Harley laughing interrupting my train of thought. I'm use to it so she can say whatever she wants and I'll still be the same old Jen.

" Wow that really hurts I might just cry" I say in a dull voice. " I feel bad for your dog, he has to put up with you annoying him all the time. Oh and your knees look dirty you should probably get off your knees every once and a while."

" Whatever" she says while spinning around to go to her next class and flipping her hair having her barbie friends strolling behind her.


Home sweet home where there is no annoying students or obnoxious teachers.

" Hey sweet heart" my mom smiles kissing my forehead " How was school?"

" I never wanna go there again." I say although nothing bad happened I just really hate this school. Ever since we moved people just keep judging or talking about me, in California I had friends, here in New Jersey I only have one and Liz can be pretty crazy.

" What happened today sweetie!"

" Nothing really it's just Harley is always trying to get under my skin an it's taking all the power I have not to punch her in the nose."

" Jenny bear you know she only jealous. You have love and your beautiful and you don't need to expose your body to be like her. Let her hit you first so you don't get into big trouble then you can hit her and hit her hard but only do it if she hits you and don't tell your father I'm telling you this."

" Yea mom don't worry dad won't suspect a thing." I said a little worried and confused. I never knew mom was like this she was always positive and now she's trying to tell me what to do when someone hits me, kinda scary but cool.

" Hey the two most beautiful lady's in the world." my dad says walking through the door. He lowers down to kiss my forehead and jumps back up to give my mom a quick kiss and a warm hug.

"Hey daddy how was work?" I asked in my most innocent voice.

" It was the best day I have ever had at work,thank you for asking." never knew someone could be so happy about working.

" Any time." I said confused.

" Girls we are going on a family vacation no ifs ands or buts about it."

" Really thats amazing when? Where?" I couldn't hold in all my excitement I started jumping and asking millions of questions about the vacation.

" Start packing we leave in two days. I'll call the school and my job, honey call your job we are leaving to Italy for a whole year!"

" WHAT?" my mom screams in horror.

" Honey whats wrong?"

" Whats wrong I don't get that type of vacation time and we can't just drop everything and go to wonderland."

At this point I stopped with the questions and the jumping. I just stared while dad was explaining how he got a huge raise and won the lottery so we can afford the trip and his boss understood the whole vacation thing so why can't hers. Sooner or later I just walked up the stairs unwilling to care for the trip any longer I still have hope but when they get like this you never know the outcome. I decided I was going to take a long ,warm shower to soothe myself maybe bring in my iPod to play music while I shower that'll be nice. Stripping off my clothes and warming the water I search though the draws looking of my face wash and scrubby brush. After twenty minutes in the shower I later get out and drift off to sleep


Hello hope you liked it and thanks for reading I'll hopefully finish the second

chapter soon.

Comment about anything it'll only make me better.

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