Love Kills Slowly ch.10

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Chapter ten

Man Matt can really cook.

That bacon was the bomb. I took a glimpse over at Matt's side of the couch, he looked so peaceful staring blankly at the tv screen. What movie is this anyway? Two grown men still living with their parents who destroyed a boat singing boats and hoes?

I looked at the gap between me and Matt I really have for to know a lot about him as we talk more. There's still that lingering question in the back of my head. how did he know about my old school?

I shrugged it off again checking my phone. liv again, she write, 'Jen if you don't answer I will go over to Italy and drag you home' I read her text in a tone i believed she would say it in and texted back ' sorry with the time difference I can never get the right time for you' I wish I could keep her in better contact I at least owe her that.

" Hey Jen we should go for a walk." Matt shoves his shoes on and grabs my arm to lift me off the couch and out the door.

" Why I don't even look ready for a walk. I slipped my shoes on and began slugging along with him on the side walk.

" Come on its beautiful out." he has a smile on his face that brightens the world. oh my god! what am I thinking I can't be falling for this guy.

I smile at him walking in my sweet-pants and spaghetti strap shirt. " Thank you Matt, for taking care of me." I quickly took a glimpse of him trying to read the expression on his face.

He side stuffing his hands in his pockets " I volunteered to make sure you had a good time out if school. I heard you blacked out so I kind if guessed that was why you weren't coming to school. We haven't talked in a while and honestly I thought this would be a good chance to get to know you."

He stared ahead, hands still in his pockets, slouching very lightly. He looked good walking like this. It took me a minute to digest what Matt just said. He wanted to get to know me, am I suppose to me faltered or just shrug it off? he doesn't seem fazed by it I guess I shouldn't be either.

"I guess it was. It would be nice to get to know you since we do have all our classes together." deep down inside I still think I cant trust him, I can't forget that incidence especially because of who my mom is. I felt my phone vibrate. ' hey sweetie I am really sorry I got a case in Italy out of the area we are on so I am going to a hotel and staying there until the case is over possibly in a week I may be back. I'll be okay, don't worry I'll call you when I am leaving, I already packed.' my mom texted me.

" Jen are you okay? your shaking" she's leaving for a job, I can't see her for a week. I'll be okay, she is safe with her team.

" Yea I'm fine." I gave him a reassuring smile, reassuring myself that she can take care of herself. I shifted my attention over to Matt who seemed to be concerned.

" everything alright?" surprisingly he cares, not many people would have cared.

" yea sorry just a little overwhelming, my mom isn't coming home today im a little scared but I'm sure she will be fine." I give him my brightest smile and continue walking, soon he followed me.

" so feeling any better?"

" yea why?"

" I think it's time to really get some new friends because your not in cheer anymore so they will just shut you out. That what they did to the other newbie, she ended up leaving Italy all together."

" that's terrible." right when I thought I can make a couple friends, I'm stuck with the guys. I guess I don't mind they never really bother me, Matt's just the sweetest. I felt his body heat radiate off of his body, I kind of liked it.

" what do you mean ' get new friends' I don't need any?" I look straight ahead as if giving off that impression that I am okay with no one but he sees right through me.

" yea right, that's bs every one needs someone." I give him a smile and we turn to walk back to the house just talking again about random things. The second we open the door I jump on the couch.

" home sweet home" I say rubbing my arm rest on the couch. " never leave me couch." so many people just leave, I don't want to have to deal with that. My mother leaving continues to linger I'm my mind. I hope for the best for my mother.

That walk wore me out, I think I'm going to take a nap. Slowly my eyes drop down, fully closed.

" nope!" Matt grabs my hand peeling me off the couch. " lunch time women." oh god he could have made lunch, then come to me. " come on your helping make lunch."

" I will sleep on the stove if I have to just let me sleep."

" no come on it will be fun, we are making sandwiches those are always fun." I give him a concerned look.

" yea no sandwiches aren't the most fun thing to make." I giggle a little and whip out the mayo, bread, and cheese. Matt takes out the salami, ham, and tomato. " eew who eats tomatoes anymore?" I look at them in disgust.

" don't be a hater I happen to love tomatoes." he holds his chin up high.

" you shouldn't be proud of that." slowly he lowers his head frowning. ' hahahahahah" I couldn't take it his face was hilarious.

The day goes by as we eat more junk food, watch the weirdest show ever, get to know each other better, and soon he had to leave and go home. Although the second he walked out the door I wanted to crack just one more joke and laugh as he leaves so its a good memory.

" Bye, don't forget to fuel the fire haha.." Don't forget to fuel the fire? Did I seriously say that? What's wrong with me? God! I'm so stupid!

Slowly closing the door I turned the tv off and start cleaning the area up. He likes to read, just like I do, and he likes to write, as do i. we surprisingly have a lot in common, I'm sure he wouldn't care.



I hope it isn't bad I'm sorry if it's short :( I tried...

What do you think will happen in the next chapter? It's going to be pretty big!



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