Love Kills Slowly ch.18

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Chapter eighteen

Dirty fell off the ceiling and onto my dry face waking me.

Where am I?

Slowly I began to panic. Matt. He did this. He wants me dead. My dad captured and of all the people it's Matt.

" Sweetie." I heard a whisper from next to me. My eyes flickered open until i realized where I was. I was underground, dirty on top of us and air little by little being taken away from us.

" Sweetie." again I here a faint whisper, a raspy voice from beside me.

" Daddy." tears formed in my eyes.

"Sweetie, don't panic. don't cry. I am here for you." he calmed me down by laying his hand on my shoulder. " we didn't want it to come to this." he looked down. 'We' as in him and my mom. He played with a rubber band.

" What's that hole?" there was a tunnel with small lights.

" We are in a dirty cave. that's how we get in and out. you can escape they don't know you aren't chained up. I made sure of it. just get out and run as far as possible. that Matt kid. stay with him."

" No dad." I felt my face crumbling like pastries. " He is the one to bring me here.

" Trust him." This can't be real. this is so dramatic. Like a movie or something. life isn't like this. Slowly I rise to my feet.

" Imma get mom." I simply said before I disappeared into the tunnel. How did I do that? Leave my father? I am terrified to lose him and yet I leave him.

' That's cause you only want to save yourself.' Nothat's not true I love my dad. I just need to save him.

I walked more and more started to run, searching for a way out. "jen." I heard a faint whisper. " jen." there it is again. " don't scream." Matt. I could tell from his voice. my heart began to skip a beat as I remember the events of before.

" I am here to help. I am the one who untied you. don't worry. I was forced to bring you here. they were watching as I took you so I had to make it real." He sounded genuine. like he really cares. I grab his hand and allow him to lead the way. I just want this to end.

All the misery. All the pain. I just want to be a normal family. One where I don't have to always watch my back. Where people are people and not labeled anything else. Where we can be who we are with out people wanting us dead or judging us. Can such a world exists?

No. Instead I am here. Running through a tunnel with a boy who kidnapped me. My own kidnapper is saving me. Who would have guessed that.

" Why? why are you doing this?" I ask him as we run faster.

" Because" I saw his face fall. " I care for you Jen. I don't want to see you hurt and it pained me hurting you like before. Depriving you of having the first kiss you always wanted." I stopped short. shaking my head.

" No. I like you Matt. I really do. We can have our real first kiss another time." I smiled with him. " let's get out of here." we ran together until finally. he led me to the light.

" Thank you. For being there for me." There was no way to thank him truly. he was there for me even when he was kidnapping me. he answered me with a hug. it was warm, welcoming. I really needed that now.

" Good luck. go find your mom. go straight home." Matt turned and walked back to the tunnel. " I'll find your dad." he said until I could only see darkness. I walked over to the bike that was just laying on the floor. Oh how lucky am i?

With every car that assed by i would peddle faster in fear that the men who stole my dad would see me. I tried my best to navigate my way home, looking at the signs to go bck to naples.

im coming home mommy...soon.


Finally about an hour of biking and i finally make it home.

" Sweetie." My mom shreeked as she hugged me tighly. " sweetie your all dirty." My mom giggled. " What happened?" i stayed silent for a while not knowing how to tell my mom that i have found dad. should i just blurt it out? or wait? No i cant wait.

" Mom-"

" Sweetie everything is okay-"

" Let me talk." I screamed. " for once." I whispered. " Its dad. I found him." With that tears formed in my mothers eyes.

" Whe- where is h-he?" she stuttered. I explained everything to her and told her the directions I took. Narrowing it down they found the spot of the the cave and immediately left.

Swat trucks and police men ad my mothers FBI unit drove over there in packs. Me standing silently in bed with Evan by my side.

" I have put you in danger I'm sorry." he said. " I won't let you go alone anymore. i'm staying with you time no one else." Guilt was evident in his tone.

" Hey, its aright. If i were never taken we wouldnt have my dad." i didnt want to make him feel bad for what he did, which was nothing. " Did the chinese ever come?" i tried to lighten the mood which worked since he chuckled.

" Yea i picked it up." he stood up signalling me to follow him to the kitchen. There on the kitchen table lied the most perfect bag of chinese food. Brown bag and inside was delicious heaven. Okay maybe i am exaderating a little bit but i didnt know italy had chinese food. Now i will judge if its any good or not.

I heated up the food that i put on my plate and the first thing i tasted was the lo mein. The noodle touched my tongue and my taste buds went out of control. It tasted amazing, now i am not exadrating ths o mein was amazing.

" Im guessing you like it."

" Is it that obvious?" its hard to conceall my emotions to the wonderful food. Who said love between two people is true love? True love is food. He chuckled and grabbed himself a plate. he dug through his pocket when he heard his phone ring.

" Hello? We are eating. haha yea i know. Really?" He paused looking at me in the eyes." Ill let her know." He hung up. Let me know what? Is my dad okay? Is my mom okay/ Matt?

" Its bout Matt. The men left Luis with a message that to get Matt they must give up the men." No. None of this made sense. Why me, and Matt. I longed for him to hold em and to reassure me that everything is going to be okay. Tears form in my eyes as they did when my father was taken.

Suddenly the lo mein didnt make me happy. Suddeny everything was dark. I didnt pass out. i just can feel the light drain. With out Matt, i wont have anyone to call out of school and take care of me or to save me from being taken by men.

Matt was always there for me. Now i have to be there for him. i owe him that.

I ran to my room and jumped on my bed. His colone was still on my pillow. I can still smell him, that at least made me smile. My tears lasted short. Im so sick of crying, IM done with trying to be happy. It never works. Yea i am smileing and all jolly but inside my soul is being sowly eaten away.

I want the pain, the misery, to end. So i can be happy and truly smile. So when ever someone ask if im okay i can say im fine a million times and mean it.


Hey y lovely readers how are you doing today?

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i just wanted to say thank you every one who has followed me. SHOUT OUT TO THEM

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