Love Kills Slowly ch.13

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Hey guys! so I finished. Chapter thirteen pretty fast. I was excited to let you know what happened afterwards! I hope you like it!



Chapter thirteen

I don't even know where I am, where did he take me?

" I'm out touch, I'm out f love, I'll do it all for you in time." my phone began to ring, that's such and old ringtone. when I looked at the caller ID I felt my stomach twist.

" Hey Matt." My eyes grew sore.

" You left me? why?" I blinked a tear away, he noticed.

" I- I." He sounds so sad.

" Jen? Just come back, where are you?" I feel terrible, my heart began to race, my mouth watered, hot saliva forming in the back of my throat. I began to walk back.

" I'm sorry, I really am. I'm just s-scared." The call ended. I really was scared, I don't think I'm ready for this. I have so many issues with my mom and my dad and just with liv and her always trying to text me. Speaking of phones.

' Hey jen, so it's late over here but I just wanted to tell you this amazing news... IM COMING TO VISIT YOU IN ITALY. we must go shopping there!! see yaaaa sooooon. 'Great more stress, I'm happy to see her just it's so soon.

I walked back to the restaurants to see Matt outside waiting.

" Jen." he walked over looking me in the eye. " please don't do that again, I thought someone took you, with your mom having that job and all. I was terrified." Our eyes never left each other.

" Your not mad? I'm sorry-"

" Of course I'm not mad, I'm sure you have a good reason, you don't have to tell me." He hugged me " don't say sorry." He squeezed me just a little and let go. " I won't leave you." His hands whipped the tear from my face.

" Thank you." I couldn't think of anything else. He locks his hands in mine as we walk. " Where are we going?"

" I'm taking you home." it's not dark out, what happened with the meal? I'll just stay quite as we walk home.

" So, how's your mom anyway?"

" That's a creepy question." I gave him a weird look. Who would ask a question so weird? ' how is your mom?' creep.

" Sorry I didn't mean for it to be." his cheeks grew pink.

" She's out on a job right now." I just realized something. This whole day I haven't thought of my mom, I spent most of it with Matt. Does he help me forget the pain I go through? He makes me so happy, maybe I am ready for this.

I look down at our entwined hands. this is the first time I have held a guys hand, my dad doesn't count. It gives me butterfly's to know someone as gorgeous as he is with his light brown hair and his perfect eyes.

" i dont know maybe its just me but this wasnt really a date." he looked at the floor as he walked. " maybe we should get to know each other thn we can try again." The sadness in his eyes made me want to just make it all better. He has true emotions unlike other guys who just tell a girl what they want to hear.

" I think thats a good idea, I wasnt really comfortable, maybe if we plan it out next time it would be better." A slight curve appeared at the corners of his lips.

" Your right, next time it'll be nice and you'll be comfortable and I'll bring my car." We continued to walk, holding hands, we laughed the whole way to my house.

" Would you look at that, it's the normal time for you to be home." He scanned the outside of my house " it's really nice, and big." his eyes shifted back to me.

" Yea." He looked me deeply into the eye. I believe in the movies this is the part where the main characters kiss. Im not kissing him. " well today was." i paused looking for the right word " interesting." yea that works.

" uhh yea." It was obvious he was avoiding eye contact with me, looking everywhere except at me. Swiftly I turn to my door, nothing's going to happen today I mid as well just sleep it off. " wait!" I turn around a he grabs for me softly bringing me in for a hug. " goodnight, sweet dreams." as quick as he grabbed me he let me go and sped walked away. He's so cute, being embarrassed and all.

I step into my house and instantly remembered, my mom isn't home. I rushed past my father to my room to throw my face into my pillow and scream like I have done so many times before. But I can today, today I just want to relax. I want to be myself and let loose just this once I want to say something without wondering if I said the wrong thing. I just want to sleep.


Hey guys I know it's been so soon but I just can't help it I wrote so much and I just can't stop it helps get my mind off if things...

i hope you guys like it



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