Love Kills Slowly ch.6

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See now that I'm ahead things will go by fast yes I have already finished chapter Seven I'm starting chapter eight once I finish chapter eight I will publish chapter seven. Hope you enjoy

Chapter six

" Jen" I heard my name returning me to the real world. " Wake up, time for school." my mother hollers up the stairs to wake me up. Blinking multiple times to clear my vision, I searched for the green light of my clock. Searching for a light that never appeared, that's weird. Slowly and carefully I sat up on my bed, is something wrong? Should I be scared?

Shaking it off I rushed to the bathroom to do my daily morning routine of taking a shower, doing a simple make up look, brushing my hair and teeth, changing into my brand new cheer outfit, and throwing on my new glasses- wait glasses, when did I get glasses? Slowly I look through my glasses, there's no difference, no prescription, why would I need fake glasses?

Again chasing my shadow down the stairs I noticed my dad had glasses on as well. When did he get glasses? " Hey sweetie." he searched my face for glasses, I assume. " no glasses, you need to wear them just in case sweetie I'm sorry but it's mandatory." Just in case. He has been eery since we got to Italy, come to think of it, so has my mom. Slowly I lifted my fake glasses to my face, do we need to add glasses to our family photos to? Note sarcasm in that question.

" Bye dad. Have a nice day at work." He can't know that I question the whole glasses thing. He'll end up lying and I would rather not know then to be lied to. One foot out the door he waved and blew me a kiss followed by a closing of the door.

Im just going to eat a granola bar for breakfast and leave. I'm already late as it is. I stepped out of my house with my keys in one hand and my bar in the other hand, while the door followed be out.

I love my new car. It's so beautiful- is that a sticker? What is all this change? " Italy is da bomb" I would never ever in billion years have that on my car. This needs to come off now. I turned my car on and dropped my bar before I peeled off the sticker I never put on my car. Me and my parents need to talk when we get home.

The second I arrive at my school I rush to the front door shoving down my granola; how unladylike. If I am late I am blaming my dad for making me wear glasses. God I hate school.

"Hey Jen wait up." Oh god no I can't take this I just want to be left alone, is that to much to ask?

" Hey!" Spinning around Jessy came into view.

" Would you look at that. We're twinning eeeee!" Wow that was really high pinched; she could break glass. She swung the door open for the two of us.

" Thank you. So what's up? Any info about the cheer stuff." I hope we have practice today; my dad said something last night about some guest coming over. I really don't pay attention.

" Yea in fact I do. we haw two hours of practice." yes! " tomorrow today you get to relax." Oh, way to break my dreams. Now I have to meet people.

This is to much u need sleep. I still have jet- leg.

" Jen? A- are you okay? JEN!" everything went black. Where am I?



I'm sorry my lovely readers I haven't updated in MONTHS I had a lot of.. Family issues

I hope this isn't terrible I just wrote it throwing basically everything that entered my mind..

What do you think happened to Jen? everything went black

I know not a lot happened but this is a filler and very important. trust me everything will tie in once I continue to write

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