Love Kills Slowly ch.21

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Chapter twenty one

"Beep.... Beep...." Is that a heart monitor? My body jolts up when I realize exactly where I am.

" What? What is this! No I need to see Matt." My hands frantically move trying to ripe the wires off of my body.

" Jen you need to rest Matt is fine." That calm voice, how could he be so calm after everything that has happened? Maybe dads right. Maybe I should just rest, I could use it to. All the stress has been destroying me I don't even remember the last shower I took.

"Daddy, I'm sorry for the men. What I did, it was wrong."

A small chuckle escaped his mouth " it's okay sweetie you did good kid." Kid? Where did he get that from. Laughing from his comment I realized a sharp pain in my stomach.

" Awehh what is that." I clutched where the pain was, as if that was going to make it better.

" You kind of got hurt. I think from running and pulling away from cops. Don't worry it'll go away. You just need to rest."

Ugh that's getting me angry. Everyone seems to think I need to rest. I throw my body back on the bed in the stupid hospital.

" I want to see Mom." He rolled his eyes. " What? I want her with me she's my mom."

" I know. She just has to do some stuff for work then she'll be here." His face was covered in disappointment. I just need my mom jeez calm down Luis.

" Mr.Walker, Your daughter may be released. Just sign the release form and you may be on your way." A goregous blonde girl with an almost sexy nurse outfit. I took a quick glance to my right where my disgrace of a father sits.

"Disgusting." I mumbled so only the two of us could hear.

" Jen." He hissed. " I'll sign it now, thank you." He shot her that smile he only did when he was trying to be flirty.

" Mhh miss what's your name?"

She seemed stunned almost.

" Oh uh I'm Jessica Franco. So Ms. Franco." Her eyes shifted to my dad with this disgustingly beautiful smile. "You can call me.. Jessica"

" No thank you. I think we will call you Ms. Franco. All three of us ."

Confusion filled her face as she gave a nervous chuckle.

" Three?"

" Oh yeah." Now is the time to ruin my dads fun. " My mom, shes an FBI agent so she can't be here for work but yeah the three of us. My dads wife." I gave her and my dad an innocent smile as if i didn't know what i just ruined for them.

" Jen, be nicer. Hey you don't have to go its fine her mom is cool." His face fell. " Really Jen?"

" What?" god he didn't change at all.


The whole ride home I didn't talk, I didn't make contact with my dad, he knows he was wrong for talking to that lady and getting mad at me because I just want a dad that truly loves my mom. I don't know if I should tell her or not, maybe I'll just keep it to myself to spare her feelings.

I knocked on our front door hoping my mom would appear on the other side allowing me in.

" Your moms not here yet." His face showed that the whole nurse thing was completely forgotten.

" Good, now we can talk."

" About?"

" About how you haven't changed since the last time you cheated on mom." I really do hate one word answers or questions.

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