Love Kills Slowly ch.5

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Hello my fellow readers yes again I took too long but I had to make up for making the last chapter short. Hope you enjoy!!! Hey sorry I won't be updating for a long time I'm sorry

Chapter five

' no stop texting me haha Liv I need to pay attention to class.' second period and Liv won't stop texting me while I am in class, I would pay attention but this teacher is just so boring I want to shoot myself. Searching the room with my eyes I see one of Matt's friends , Marc, staring at my phone. I quickly hide it before he could say something and shot him a stern look telling him not to say a thing about my phone.

Throwing his arms up in serenader he gave me a playful smile and dropped everything to look st the teacher. Another vibration, Liv,

' To bad little girl lol we never talk anymore so you need to text me!!!'

" Mrs. Jennifer Walker pay attention to the class. " Mrs.Wester , my english teacher, gobbled while stomping over to my desk. " Are you texting in class? Give me your phone young lady?" quickly I slipped my phone in my bag and grabbed a pencil to make it seem as if that is what I was looking at.

" I'm sorry, Mrs.Wester, what are you talking about? I donna have my phone I have my pencil... Is that so bad?" I questioned her pulling my eyebrow together to show interest.


" See you tomorrow, have a nice day." I wished her good bye and strolled out the class. I almost got in huge trouble I have got to be more carful. Grabbing my phone, I answer Liv's text telling her I had to go before I got into more trouble and it off so she wouldn't annoying me with millions of text.

" Hey" I jerked around only to see Matt with Marc standing behind me. " Nice save with the phone, I would have never acted the way you did I would have laughed." Marc patted my shoulder and ran off to his next class.

" Hey I recommend not having that in class you never know next time you won't be saved by the bell." He almost seemed annoyed as he said that, he doesn't even know me why does he care?

" I'll keep that noted Matt." harshly I turned around to walk to our next class since passing time was only five minutes.

" Hey Im only trying to help you don't have to push me away like you did with the kids at your old school." How does he know about my other school? I stopped in my steps to give Matt a questioning look.

" What do you know about my old school."

"Huh, what are you talking about?" he rubbed the back of his head with a confused face " I don't know anything about your school." he began to walk to our class. "let's go we have class." demanding me to follow him and grabbing my arm ever so lightly. Im not letting the school thing slide, I will find out what he knows. Whether he likes it or not.

" Hey Jen, sit." Jessy hollered from across the cafeteria. No one seemed to notice she hollered, they didn't look to see her waving me over. No one looked at the new girl in the school, it's like no one knew anything. Come to think of it, I only know this small group of people and they are the only ones who ever talked we were the only ones who raised our hands in class and yes the others had there little tables and talked but they never moved from there seats unless it was t get there food. They never went to the bathroom or to the nurse. Maybe its just me I just got here, maybe it's just me over analyzing things.

I strolled to my new lunch table with people who will sooner or later or never be my teammates in cheerleading.

" Hey Jessy uh and you guys to haha um I kind of was thinking about joining cheerleading. I was just wondering if you guys are okay with that." I gave a small smile waiting for a response.

" YOUR IN!" Jessy and the other girls squealed in unison.

" but you have never seen me cheer." why would they just let me in if I haven't tried out?

" We know potential when we see it." Kathryn said biting a chocolate chip cookie. " you are potential." that's amazing then I guess I'm in right? So why do I feel like something is missing.

" Hey sweetie" moms home early or she never went to work. " How was school?"

" I'm in cheerleading!" throwing my hands in the air with a huge smile on my face. I'm actually excited its a fresh start for me. I was just over thinking things before I am finally going to be able to be me again. This is going to be so much fun. " They said they will bring my outfit over after school so anytime now-"

"Ding. Dong. ding. dong" the door bell went off interrupting my sentence. I rushed to open the door revealing Jessy in front of the other girls from the lunch table.

" Hey! Jen we have your clothes and are so happy to have you join the squad." Jessy throw her hands out pulling me in for a warm exciting hug.

" Uh- yea so am I." I don't like hugs it's just not me, human interaction , no just no. I pealed her off of me and shined my brightest grin. Bailey extended her arms with my clothes in it and jumped when Jessy began to talk again.

" Theres six outfits wear one tomorrow." she demanded, again bailey extended her arms slower this time meeting me half way so I could grab my new outfits. This is going to be amazing, I'm so excited for this. I could finally breath my own air.


HEYY!!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter I tried hard I wanted to make it a little longer but again I think it is a filler. Nothing big happened so in chapter six be prepared.

Comment anything you want I would love to read your thoughts on my book

Question: what do you guys think Matt meant when he said, " Hey I'm only trying to help you don't have to push me away like you did with the kids at your old school."

It's not a big question so please answer because I want to see what you guys think

Chapter six will take a while I'm sorry.

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