Love Kills Slowly ch.8

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Chapter eight

No. This can't happen. This isn't real. " Oow" I screech as I pinch my arm hard enough to know that this Is real. I move my head from one corner to the next, trying to take in all areas of this place in which I call home.

Where is my mom? I can feel the concern form on my face. Blood, on the walls and floor, not a lot but enough for me to know something happened.

The pillows from our living room couch were cut open. The kitchen has shattered glass all over the floor and again that terrifying red stain in the downstairs bedroom.

Everything's okay. Mommy said never to look around the house when something like this happens. I just have to call the number she gave me for her job and...and wait. My eyes swell in pain and hot scorching tears roll down the apples of my cheeks. I can't touch or move anything.

"Aaaaahh" I gasp for air and scream worried for my mother as my legs grow week wondering where my mother is. Is it possible for the blood be hers? Or my dads? I just got back from the hospital and this is what I come home to after school. Why can't god give me something good?

I need to look, I need to see if my mom is okay. Slowly I slammed my hand on the closest surface I could find and push myself up. I have no strength, barley any to walk. Maybe this is why we got the fake glasses but one week in Italy and already blood in the house. My mom needs a safer job, if she's still alive.

Stumbling down the hall of blood, this is like a scary movie. The only thing is, it's not a movie it's completely... real. I can see our family pictures that once hanged high on the wall on the floor, shattered just like this family.

As soon as I look up the stairs, I see a body. a male form. Is it my father? My tears grow larger and fall faster down my face, no matte how quite I try to be I still make that annoying sound of sobbing.

"JEN! OH MY BABY." I hear a familiar voice from behind me. Arms rapped around my shoulders, covered in blood.

" MOM!" I jerk my body towards hers crying now of happiness to know my mother, my lovely mother is alive. " Mommy.. is- is that da-daddy?" terrified I point up the stairs and look straight in my moms eyes.

" No sweetie he's at his job. that man tried to attack us." She holds me closer to her body.

" What's all the blood?" She closes her eyes.

" Baby there were three men. I shot them all around the house. they got the blood everywhere." slowly I feel her body get weaker and weaker.

" MOMMY?" I scream as she falls to the floor. quickly I dial her job number and frantically put pressure on the now visible wound on her left side. She can't leave me no not now.


" It's my mom please please you need I come over she's hurt!" I sob on the phone making it difficult for the man on the other end to understand me.

" I'm on my way. " is all he says before our conversation ends. it's so much blood. It's to much blood, again to my and everyone's annoyance I black out. It's just to much.

"Aaaah!" I scream as a jolt up from my bed. it the same nightmare I have been getting since we moved here.

"Buzzz" my phone? oh! quickly I grabbed my phone from the side of my bed.

'17 text messages from: liv DA boo!' Oh crapy! I totally forgot about liv. the past week she has been texting me. she must hate me. quickly I read over each text and type in

'I am so sorry I was really busy with meeting new people and stuff like that. sorry!' I hope she it's pissed.

" Hey sweetie, are you feeling better? Matt is coming over to take care of you while your dad and I are out to work." She searched my eyes as if to ask if it was okay with me. slowly I shake my head and smile.

" Yea mom why wouldn't i be?" I laid my head again on my pillow and stare to the ceiling.

" Sweetie, your paler then usual. Did you have that nightmare again?" I shut my eyes tightly holding back my tears from streaming out.

"Mommy" I feel spit gathers in my mouth. "I-I don't want you to go" my eyes burn as they always do before I cry. With a peck on my cheek she leaves off to work.




I'll be doing the Matt watching Jen part in chapter nine but I am really trying to fill in pieces I will need for later I promise chapter nine will be long like they use to I just really needed you guys to see her horror of losing her mom. as you can see she blacks out a lot so question. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE DOCTOR IS RIGHT ABOUT THE BLACK OUTS OR IS IT SOME MYSTERIOUS THING GOING ON? DUN DUN DUNNN!!

I also want to say thank you to every single one of you guys for reading my book you have no idea how much happiness I have for how many people read my book. it may not be the best book but I'm started to feel pride for it. it's an honor to have so many people even look at my book.

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