Chapter 4

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Na'vi spoken
English spoken

Jake's POV


My eyes widened. The girl in front of me had a hopeful look in her eyes. When I tried to speak, I stuttered a bit.

"Y-you know m-me?"

She nodded and asked:

"Don't you... know me?"

"No, unfortunately not. But if I did I would recognize you".

Hearing this her eyes filled up with tears and she was about to cry. But before she could say something, I was called out.

"Jake I need your help with something!"

It was Norm. I sighed and followed the call. When I stepped out of the hut I had a strange feeling. I knew her, but I couldn't tell who she really is. I shook my head and walked to Norm which appeared in his human form, his Avatar was shot in the war and needed time to heal. He saw my expression and asked:

"What is it Jake?Something wrong?"

"What? No, no!Everything's fine. What is it you need help with, Norm?"I asked.

He answered me but I didn't really listened.

No one's POV

When Jake went out he left a crying girl in the hut. She sat in the hammock and covered her face with her hands. Tears floated down.He didn't recognize his own sister. The Na'vi woman from before came back in and saw Roxanne's horrible condition.

"What happened my dear?"

Roxanne sobbed and lifted her head.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.Call me Mo'at,what's your name?"

"Roxanne Jessa ... Sully."

Mo'at's eyes widened.

"Sully? Like Jake Sully?Are you related to him?"

"He ... well ... he's my brother!"

"Your brother?"

Roxanne nodded.

"And what did he say about you being here?"

"He didn't see his sister in me he just saw a stranger."

"I'm so sorry but maybe he didn't because you look different. But if you really are siblings he should have felt something. There is always something that conects you. Like a bond. I talk to him later but for now I show you around and teach you a bit. So walk with me, ok?"

Roxanne smiled at the kindness she was welcomed with. She followed outside. But then Mo'at suddenly stopped and turned around. She took a look at Roxanne up and down before saying:

"I completely forgot. You have to change into something fitting."

Mo'at walked back into the hut. Roxanne followed her in her footsteps.

"Eh, what do I have to wear?"

"Something like ...this here."

She hold something in her hands and gave it to Roxanne. She just looked at the clothes Mo'at was holding in her hands. Roxanne's eyes widened in shock and she stared at the clothes. She then nodded slowly. Mo'at helped her with dressing.

Her outfit (picture)

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Her outfit (picture)

"Now you look like one of us. Let's go!"

They went out again into the direction to tree of souls. Roxanne felt a little bit naked. No wonder, her outfit showed much of her body. When they got to the tree and its surrounding places, Roxanne was about to cry. Na'vi people from different clans were sitting around the tree. Some had just scratches others were badly injured. They some healers running around and trying to keep the injured alive.

"We have to help them!"

Roxanne rushed forward a group of the badly injured ones. She knew how to help them. She thought about her glowing hands and tried to figure out what she did and felt. A tear rolled down her face. Nothing happened until it dropped. A slightly glowing came from her hands. Roxanne felt how the blood went back into the body and how the injury closed. The whole time she sat there she didn't realise that some of the Na'vi gathered around her and watched. It was silence until someone said:


Roxanne turned just to look into the face of a certain man. She slowly stood up. She couldn't speak, just stare. The others which surrounded them slowly went back to work. Roxanne needed some time to find the right words.

"Y-y-you ... Are you the one ... I found ... in the woods?"

He nodded while she went to the next injured one and asked:

"You speak our language?"

"Y-yes, well I still have to practice it. I don't know everything."

She sighed before she looked back in his eyes and said:

"Could you train me?But not just the language, please ... I mean ... the whole package."

"You really want to learn?"

"Yep. It facinated me since the first time, every single thing about Pandora."

Tsu'tey giggled about the enthusiasm she had. Roxanne healed as many people as she could. She suddenly felt tiredness overwhelming her body. Roxanne couldn't hold it back to yawn.

"You have to sleep. It's not good for you if you stay awake any longer."

Roxanne was about to protest, but a look in his eyes kept her in silenced. She realised that she didn't know where to sleep, but Tsu'tey has already lead her to a hut. There were two hammocks. She laid down and closed the hammock. It took a few minutes until she drove into sleep.


*Happy smile*

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