Chapter 7

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A/N:This was supposed to be a story for Silvester but I just had time for a short A/N so I uploaded it now even if it's too late.

"Na'vi spoken"
English spoken

No one's POV

Today was the last day of the year. The humans had left Pandora.
The dreamwalkers Jake and Norm were planning a little party, but the Na'vi didn't know this human tradition.

"Again?" Jake asked a bit annoyed.

It was the seventh time someone from the Na'vi had asked:

"What is Silvester?"

Norm chuckled.
He had been asked many times too.

"It is the last day in a year. You celebrate it with fireworks and look back at the past events", Jake explained, "And please go ask Norm what fireworks are, ok?"

The Na'vi, which had listened nodded and ran to Norm, who tried to hide. Now it was Jakes turn to chuckle.

"Shut it Jake!" Norm yelled while he ran.

Meanwhile Roxanne packed a few things in her backpack.
She had planned on going to Hell's Gate for a short stay and to meet other dreamwalkers.
She put on her backpack and her breathing mask and walked out of the station.

It took her a bit over 2 hours to reach her destination.
When she got to the huge place she stopped.

'That's odd, where is everybody?'

From the distance she could her some music.

'Why are they celebrating?'

Roxy made her way over the huge place to a window. Carefully, she peeked in just to see some Na'vi, a few dreamwalkers and a handful of humans, maybe five.

The room was decorated with many colours.
On a wall was hanging a big clock with the date and time.
It showed 31st December, 23:57.

'So today's the last day of the year, huh?'

The crowd moved to reveal a happy Na'vi couple.

'Jake left and he doesn't remember me. Is it because of her?'

Roxy looked at each face in that room. Everyone looked happy.

Except for Tsu'tey.
He leaned on a wall on the other side of her. His eyes were looking at the ground. He and Roxy flinched as the crowd cheered. Both looked for the source and found it.
Jake and Neytiri were kissing. Mostly the dreamwalkers and humans cheered. They looked at the clock and counted down. When the time jumped from 23:59 to midnight everyone cheers bursted out.

Now Roxy couldn't hold it back. She broke down to the ground with her eyes watering.
The humans had left her behind. The remaining ones were now a part of this world.
Everyone was happy celebrating the piece on Pandora. Her brother doesn't want her to be a part of his life anymore.
If he wanted it, he would remember her.

She had enough of herself being alone. She wanted to have Tommy by her side. And her parents, her family. And she knew how to get to them.
Roxy jumped up and thought.

'Should I really do this?'

The wind blew through her hair and she ran over the huge place between the choppers. Little did she know that Tsu'tey caught a glimpse of her black hair. He slowly made his way outside just in time to see Roxy between the choppers. She took off her mask and inhaled.

"No! Don't do it!" Tsu'tey screamed.

Jake heard the scream and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Neytiri asked.

"Where's Tsu'tey?"

"I saw him going out, why?"

"Something's wrong I have a strange feeling."

"Let's go outside."

Meanwhile, Roxy fell to the ground unconscious. She gasped for air. Tsu'tey jumped to her side only to see her closing her blue eyes.

"No don't close your eyes!"

He became nervous.

'What should I do?'

Now he panicked. One of his hands bumped against her breathing mask. Immediately he picked both up. He sat down with Roxy in his lap and put the breathing mask on the unconscious girl.

"Tsu'tey, brother what's wrong?" Jake yelled.

He, Neytiri and Max, one of the scientists and one of Jake's friends, ran to his side.

"Who is she?" Neytiri asked.

"We can that information in notime", Max said,
"Follow me!"

They raised to their feet and followed Max to the lab.

"Lay her down there", he ordered Tsu'tey.

The last named slowly laid the girl down, careful not to hurt her fragile body. Max took a small blood test and gave it to the computer to read.

"Ok, ... just a few moments please, ... scanning, ... reading ... aaaaand... her name is ..."

He suddenly hit the table with his fist. The others flinched.


"I don't believe it!" Max yelled, "They encrypted it!"

"What? You mean like covering up something? But why would they do that?"

"I don't know but I will tried to decrypt it."

With these words he left the lab.

An hour later, Jake was already very impatient but suddenly Max bursted in yelling:

"Finally! I have the code for the file's decryption!"

Max danced a dance of joy. By the sight of that Jake bursted out laughing.

"We get it that you're happy Max! Now would you please give us the honor of revealing her identity?"

Max grinned.

"Of course just a second ... and ... here it iiiiiis!"

His voice got more quiet at the end of the sentence.




"Her name's ..."

" Yeah? Come on spit it out!"

"Well ... she's ... your sister!"

Jake chuckled and said:

"No way! If I would've had a sister I would remember."

"That's why she tried to kill herself", Tsu'tey stated with his accent.

"Oh please ..."

"Jake her name is Roxanne Jessa ... Sully."

Jake snorted.

"Her DNA is related to yours!"

"No it can't be, can it?"

"It's the truth Jake! She IS your sister!"

They both turned around to look into a shocked face from Tsu'tey.


"Roxanne... Jessa... you said?"

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