Chapter 13

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Next day

Roxy was sitting on a tree trunk when Tsu'tey came up to her from behind. He snaked his arms around her waist and kissed a sensitive spot on her neck for which he earned a gasp.

"That's tickling."

"Wanna learn to ride today?"

Roxy nodded excited. He took her hand and guided her through the trees to an open area. There were Pa'li's drinking some nectar from flowers. Roxy mouthed a 'wow' when she suddenly felt a presence behind her it was Pa'li that looked directly in her eyes. Roxy went to its side stroking the head gently.
"We'll have to find an easy one for you to ride, for the beginning", Tsu'tey mumbled, not noticing what happened behind his back.
"I think it's not necessary anymore", Roxy answered.
Tsu'tey turned around confused why she said that when he saw her stroking one. His mouth fell open.
"Wha-...I-I mean how did you...?"
"What's wrong?"
"That Pa'li is a really stubborn one. Many have tried to ride him but failed miserably."
"I still want to try."
Before he could continue, she had already swung herself at the Pa'li's back.
"What now?"
"You have to make Tsaheylu."
Roxy grabbed her braid from behind and did as she was told. Her pupils went wide and she gasped.
Tsu'tey watched as her eyes began to sparkle.
"Ok now imagine what you want him to do and think it."
He tapped his head twice.
"Now tell him where to go."
'Slowly forward', Roxy thought.
The male Pa'li did as 'told' and made some steps forward in a slow pace.

She rode for a complete hour when Tsu'tey got company.
"Hey you two! What's up?"
"Hello Jai'to, long time no seen."
"Yeah, war is an injuring matter, a pain in the ass as the humans would say."
"Who's that?"
"That Jessa is Jai'to. 20 years old, my adopted brother."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Jessa. My first is Roxanne but I prefer my middle name."
"Nice to meet you too. You look more talented than the other dreamwalkers, I heard that Jake Sully needed a very long time to get a Pa'li to walk slowly and straight on."
Roxy laughed as she heard this.
"Let me guess he landed in the mud, right?"
"Guessed right, and not just once, he fell almost everytime", Tsu'tey added.
"That sounds like him. But it also reminds me that I have to kick his ass."
"Why that?"
"How about we take a ride while talking?" Roxy suggested.
"Great idea."

Both male swung themselves on two other Pa'li before the little group rode on.
"So why kick Jake Sully's ass?"
"Well at new year I was unconscious because... I tried to kill myself back than", she started quietly, seeing Tsu'tey stiffen in the corner of her eye by mentioning that.
"When I was unconscious, my soul was shortly dragged out of my body."
Tsu'tey turned his head in her direction.
"So that was why this machine started making sounds like crazy?"
Roxy nodded.
"Yeah. It was then, that there were three more presences. One was Trudy, one Grace and one Eywa. They all talked to me. Grace requested that I kick Jake Sully's ass. I don't know what for, but I will do it. He definitely earns it."
She said the last part as quiet as possible but the men could still hear that.
"Why does he earns it?" Jai'to wanted to know.
Now she was becoming nervous. She didn't know how he would react to the fact that Jake Sully was her brother. She knew that Tsu'tey knows that, he didn't tell how. But what they both don't know was something from her past that made her feel everything else than positive feelings.

"He's my brother", she whispered.
The Pa'li stopped. He felt the nervousness of his female rider through the Tsaheylu.
"Oh man, that will give Ahtsan another reason to try to make you his mate. I mean your power is one thing. Everybody, in our clan and outside, knows about it already. Many males will look at you like you're their prey. But if they hear that you're our Toruk Macto's sister... they will overrun you..."
Roxy looked at him with fear. She didn't want that. She wants only to be with one male. And she hoped 24/7 that this male would want her too.
"That won't happen, Jai'to. I will protect her from everything till she doesn't want me to", Tsu'tey threw in
Jai'to looked between the two suspiciously.
"Waaaaiiiiit. Are you know... a thing?"
"Well you could say so", Tsu'tey added with a smirk.
"Well don't forget that you'll have to wait till she passes Ignimaya. Even the Olo'eyctan can't go around that."
Tsu'tey sighed and said:
"I know. But it's very hard to not resist her."
He smiled over to the blushing female.

They didn't know that they were being watched.
"Jake Sully's sister, huh? Yeah you're mine", the hidden person whispered.

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