Chapter 8

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A/N:Hello there again ;)



There was only one colour clouding my mind.
Just black.
Pure Darkness overwhelming me, surrounding me. My mind was completely blanc.
'So this is how you die? Without any pain? Or couldn't I remember how I died? I can't remember anything: My name, my family, friends, my home. Everything's gone. Did I really have these things?'
My head was like exploding, I was thinking too much.
'Headache in the dead world? Strange.'
'You're not dead.'
'Of course I am.'
'You're still alive but in a coma.'
'And I can't remember anything because of that?'
'You have to release your pain and past and move on.
Trust me.
See and listen.'

It felt like my soul was washed out my body. When I opened my eyes again I was in the linking room in Hells Gate. I then heard yelling and turned around.

Behind a window was a big white room. In this room I saw my body on a table. I looked really bad. My body didn't look like this yesterday.
'That's because you were in this coma for about two weeks.'
My head jerked to the monitor. My heart had stopped.
'That's because your soul watches now.'
'Who are you both?'
'You didn't count right.'
'I'm Grace.'
'Grace Augustine?
Then you are Trudy?
But who are you?'
'I'm the maker of this world ...'
'Yes dear.
But now is not the time to talk.
Return to your body.
Fullfill your task.
Protect the people.
Fight the humans and become one of them.'
'But the humans are gone and they're not coming back.
I'll tell you later in your next dream. But now wake up.'
'And tell Jake he's still a Jarhead.
And kick his butt for me, will ya?
Now go.'

I jerked awake, noticing the group around me when they jumped. There were two humans like me and two Na'vi, ... well one Na'vi and a dreamwalker to be exactly. One of them waved his hand in front of me. I was annoyed by it and slapped it away.
They seemed shocked, their faces were surprised.
"Sorry", I whispered.
"No, you don't have to be, Rox."
"A new nickname for you."
"Sooooo... "
"Why didn't you go back with the others?"
"I didn't know that they were leaving. And I especially didn't know that they were in a war with you. I just found out a few days ago when I arrived and found him."
I pointed to the Na'vi I already knew.
"That was you? You healed me?"
I nodded.

As longer I looked into his big sun-like eyes, I was realizing that I was loosing myself.
"Let's get straight to the point", a man with curled hair said.

'Party pooper.'

"Why did you try to kill yourself.
'He didn't really ask that, did he? Oh boy you shouldn't have done that."
That question literally got a sensitive nerve.
"Why do you wanna know."
"I don't know, it's our job to ask. So why did you do it?"
He was not waiting passionately. Nope, definately not.
"You want to know why? Then I'll tell you: It's none of your business!"
The Na'vi male next to me snorted, but in an amused way. Not only he had to hold back a laugh, the other human and Jake too.

Yeah, Jake.

The cause of this hell drive. I then remembered the promise I gave Grace.
"Hey Jake. One of your friends asked me of a favor."
"What favor?"
"You're still a Jarhead."
"Wait were did you get that from?"
"But she's ..."
" Dead. Yeah I know."
"But how ...?"
"I don't know. Everything I remember was that I had company from Grace, Trudy and ... what was the name again? Yeah Eywa."
I heard gasps and mumbling.
"You saw her yourself?"
"Well not exactly. I just heard her. And telling you that you're still a Jarhead isn't the only thing she asked of me."
"You'll see!"
"Oh come on!"
"No I'm not telling you. You'll have to wait. Til ..."
I drifted of.
"Til what?"

"My Avatar. How is she?"
Straight to the point.
" She's doing fine. Don't worry."
I sighed in relief.

My Avatar had some injuries and I worried that it would take an amount of ... well ... you know. But now that I know that she's safe ... I'm safe ... Oh man. I really wish that the body of my Avatar was my real one. Not this human piece of ... meat ... for the predators.

I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. I looked up to see Jake holding back a Na'vi, trembling and reaking of anger. And turning the head to the side, there was standing the curly haired man with his note board. His hand a raised a little bit.
'He slapped me.
He FUCKING slapped me!'
"What's wrong with you?"
"Wha-What's wrong with me? I asked a simple question. And I'm still waiting for an answer!"
"Well then you're waisting your time, Mister!"
"You know that I'm in charge of the links to the Avatars, right. I could deny the access."

"I don't care."
'I do care.'

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."
'Yes I totally do.'

"Well I think you really do care."
He was getting impatient. I could tell by his hands. They were clenching to fists.

"No I don't."
'Yes I do.'

"And I SAY YOU ..."

"Max, I think it's enough. If she doesn't want to tell us, then let her. She will tell us when she's ready."
'Oh buddy, you are so mistaken by that.'
"Tsu'tey will you keep an eye on her?"
The Na'vi nodded.
'Tsu'tey ... Pretty name.
Wait what?
Oh yeah riiiiiiight.

I remember.
That kiss. How could I forget that?'
"Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah", I mumbled.
"That didn't sound like you're okay."
"Well, maybe you're right. Maybe I'm not okay. Maybe I do need a cure for my broken heart."
"You should sleep. If you want to start training."
"But you heard him. He is going to deny the access."
"Don't worry about that. There's another way.

Jake is trying it in a few days. And if it works, you can go through it too."
"What do you mean?"
"It's a ceremony. Your soul goes from your human body to the other one. But not like your links. This is permanently."

I bounced in excitement.
"Oh my gosh, really? I can't wait. I want to go through it right now!"
He chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. You're the most enthusiastic person I've ever met."
I smiled at that.
"But you should really sleep now."
"If you insist."
"Yes I do."

'I love his smile.'
I chuckled at my thought before driving off to sleep.

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