Chapter 24

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Roxy's POV

The pregnancy didn't really freak me out like I thought it would. But it wasn't great the whole time. My mood swings were a part of it. Tsu'tey didn't mind and was at my side all the time, my friends and brother too. The whole clan was happy for us except Ahtsan and Leadrieth. I got help from all sides and the women showed me some ways to make baby clothing and what to do in emergencies.
As the time flew by and my stomach got bigger and more swollen, my back hurt more and I felt more tired easily, sometimes dizzy of lightheaded. It was caused by incteased blood volume. Most of the time I was sleepy and slept. At first they all worried about me, especially Tsu'tey. But who can I blame? It's our first child. My cravings were really strange, not normal. I craved unnormal food combinations. Others would throw up but I didn't care how strange the combination was.

I was currently walking around a bit, my breath was a bit short, due to the weight I gained with the baby growing inside me.

"Hey love", Tsu'tey greeted and embraced me in a loving hug.


"How do you feel?"

"I feel good actually. Just a little big. And heavy."

"You're still as beautiful as always. But you look tired. Want to go to sleep?" he asked me.

I nodded. He wrapped an arm around my waist and walked to our hut with me. Yes we moved into one hut together. Or better I moved in to his place with all my stuff. When we reached our place, we laid down with my head on his chest, his right hand at my waist and his left hand in my swollen belly. I fell asleep very fast.

Later in the night I woke up due to a pain in my stomach. I looked to my left to see Tsu'tey still asleep. Another wave of pain came which caused me to inhale deeply. I propped myself up with my arms as support. As the next wave of pain came, I cried out. That woke Tsu'tey up.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"I think the baby wants to get out", I hissed under my breath due to the pain.

"Come on, we have to wake Mo'at."

He helped me stand up and walk to the Tsahik's hut. I cried out as my water broke and formed a little puddle. The Tsahik heard that and came out.

"What's the matter?"

"I think... contractions... water broke..."

She nodded and guided us in. They both helped me lay down. Mo'at went to grab a bowl of water and a cloth as sweat was forming on my forehead. The contractions were growing stronger and lasted longer. It lasted many hours till the sun rose. Someone walked by the tent who Mo'at called in. It was Norali.

"Norali please get some new water please."

She nodded and got some fresh water. She said she was going to go to Kiia and Jai'to and tell them that the baby was going to arrive soon. Just as she walked out, I felt my heart rate pick up and the next contraction hit me. I screamed a bit while Tsu'tey was holding my hand and squeezing it.

"Stay calm, breath deep. It'll be okay. Keep pushing."

Mo'at repeated these words over and over till an hour later I heard a cry. I began to cry of happiness. The baby's screams filled the silent air. Tsu'tey was crying too. He was very happy and so was I.


"Congratulations you two. You have a pretty and healthy baby boy."

"A boy", I cried out happily.

She gave me Tsu'tey's and my baby, wrapped in a cloth. Mo'at went out of the hut. A few minutes later she came back with three other persons. But she had to order them back out because there was a contraction again. Mo'at grabbed our baby boy and handed him to Norali. Tsu'tey grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"What's happening? Is she alright?" Tsu'tey asked concerned.

Mo'at's eyes went wide before answering.

"There's another one."

"Another one?"

"Okay Jessa I need you to push one more tim okay?"

There was another contraction and then I heard another baby cry. I could hear the others talking outside.

"There are two babies?" Kiia whispered, but I could still hear it.


"It's a girl", she said.

I cried out. But with happiness radiating from me. Mo'at gave me our baby girl, wrapped in a cloth too. The other three were called in from Mo'at. Norali still had the baby boy in her arms. Tsu'tey helped me sit up and I leaned my back against his chest and laid my head on his shoulder. I sat between his legs.

"Oh my gosh, they're both so cute. Is this one a boy too?"

"No, a girl."

Right after I stated this, Mo'at let Jake and Neytiri walk in.

"Hey sis. Twins?"

"Hey. Yes, we didn't expect that to happen."

"They're both really adorable", Neytiri said.

"Thank you."

There was silence in the hut for a few minutes.

"So how do you wanna name them?"

"How about Lily-Grace for the girl..." Tsu'tey began.

"And Tsu Junior for the boy?" I finished.

We all laughed at how we completed each other.

"I like that."

"Me too."


Welcome to the world of Pandora Lily-Grace and Tsu Junior.

You may want to call me crazy.

I'm currently sitting on ten fanfictions, this one included and eight of them are English.


I mean why didn't I wait with the others till I finished one by one?

Good question.

I'm not a good planner.

And I don't have it with patience.

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