Chapter 10

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Englisch speaking/thoughts

Na'vi speaking/thoughts


No ones POV

Roxy opened her eyes.

'Funny', she thought, 'not to wake up in a fragile and small body anymore.
It feels different but it's also easier.
No routine anymore, no heavy weight loss, no danger to get sick, no linking again.
That's a relief.
A big one.'

She looked around and found herself in a hammock in the usual hut she, well her Avatar had been here the last few weeks.
This was the first day of her new life.

"Good morning", Tsu'tey said.

He sat in front of her and smiled.

"Good morning", Roxy answered.

"Ready for your first day?"


Roxy jumped out of the hammock.
She was still a little bit wobbly on her legs, so she stumbled over her own feet and landed in someones arms.

"Woah. Someone's excited."

"Yeah. But I still feel tired and weak."

"Don't worry that will pass by."

"So what are we doing?"

"You have to learn about our clan, meet the members and see how village life goes."


Roxy's POV

I met almost half of the clan.
I already knew Neytiri and her mother Mo'at and Jake.
Jake and Neytiri are mated, which made me feel uncomfortable.

As the days went by I met one of Neytiri's friends, Kiia.
She had long hair with a braid, a birthmark on the forehead in a diamond like shape and wears a Na'vi outfit like I had one.
She's also 27.
Kiia told me that she's an orphan, because her parents died when was a baby and that Mo'at found her all alone.
She also has no mate and is part of the clan as a healer.

We got along pretty well and she even looked over my injuries.

The next one I met was Norali.
She wears more of traditional Na'vi clothing with beads and feathers as decoration.
Her hair is divided into 5 braids, 2 on both sides of her head that connect with the one in the back.

She's mated to one of Tsu'tey's good friends.
She still hasn't some kids of her own yet.
Norali told me that she didn't like Jake because he was the one who 'sold' them to the sky people and that this caused the attack on hometree were her parents died.

When she told me this I had tears in my eyes.
I knew too well how it felt to loose more than one precious family member.

"Hey if you want I can sometimes bring you to the younglings I teach.
They would be happy to meet with you."

"Yeah that would be great" , I said.

The persons I've met so far were really nice.

It was almost evening when Mo'at motioned for us to come over.

"We must talk. It is very urgent."

"Did something happen?"

"Not yet."

"What do you mean?"

Tsu'tey was concerned, I could feel that.

"To be honest I don't know it myself.
But Jessa.
Didn't you say that Eywa contacted you?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What did she say?"

"Something about 'Fight the humans.'
But the humans are gone.
When I mentioned that they wouldn't be coming back, she told me that will talk to me again in my next dream."


My expression told gave them the answer; No, she didn't.

"So she didn't."

Mo'at thought for a few minutes.

"Ok, listen.
Tsu'tey you will guard her, on day and night time.
The last time Eywa spoke with you was when your heart stopped beating for a moment.
I want to be sure that nothing happens.

We also have to figure out how you could heal all the injured.
It could help with a lot."

I nodded and tried to hide an upcoming yawn.
But I failed.

"Someone's tired?" Tsu'tey asked.

"Totally",I murmured.

"Let's get you to sleep."

He picked me up so suddenly that I yelped.
His following chuckle earned an amused glare.
He took me back to the hut where he put me down in my hammock.

"Wait. Where are you going to sleep?"

He gave me suspicious smile before climbing next to me into the hammock.

"Right here with you my angel."

He held me tight to him until he was sure that I was asleep.




I know that took long.

And the chapter is not even long.


I'm running out of plot ideas.

The problem is that I already know how I want the story to end but I don't know to 'keep walking on the path to the target'.

The writing blockade is already cracking.

Just a little bit more and it might fall.

I guess will take a bit of time.
But not so much like from chapter 9 to this one cause I have two weeks now to catch up.

Please be patient with meeeeeee.

I still hope you like this chapter.
Til next time.

*Waving hand*

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