Chapter 26

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Tsu'tey woke up suddenly. Something felt odd. He turned around to the side where his mate should have been. Keyword should. He sat up and looked around frantically. And he panicked.


He stood up more panicked and started to search the surrounding area. First he walked, then he ran. But the Olo'eyctan didn't find his mate. So he ran back to the tree of souls were most of the clan members were sitting, doing a morning prayer. They looked up when they saw their Olo'eyctan running, breathing heavily and panicked.

"Mo'at!!! Are the kids okay? Are they still here?"

"Tsu'tey, calm down. Yes the kids are alright, they're with Neytiri and Jake, see?"

She motioned to the couple she mentioned and Tsu'tey saw that his children were alright, healthy and still there.

"Tsu'tey, do. you hear me? What's the matter?"

"Roxy... she's gone!!!"

"What do you mean, gone?"

"Gone, like vanished, like kidnapped!!!"

The clan members gasped when they heard this. They were shocked that their future Tsa'hik was gone just like that, or worse; kidnapped. Jake was shocked too that his sister wasn't there, when Neytiri translated for him.. The babies started to cry as if they knew that their mother vanished. Kiia, Norali and Jai'to had tears in their eyes.

"Mo'at what shoulder we do?" Norali asked sobbing.

"I'm thinking what could have happened."

Suddenly it snapped inside Tsu'tey's head.


"What happened Jessa?"

"Eywa talked to me again in my dream."

"Tell me."

"I'll try to repeat what she said.
It was:

There is something big coming. The sky people have made the decision to come back, this time with bigger reinforcements.

She doesn't know when but she said that I should prepare which will require a lot of my willpower."

"What do you have to do?"

"She said:

Train your skills. Become one of the people. Bond with friends. Increase your nonhuman abilities. And pay attention to your surroundings.

She watched when they took a look at my data file. The sky people knew about my power longer before I did get here.
It's also why they wanted me here in the first place.
They wanted to fight you and to use me for their benefits."

Flashback end

"Of course. That's it!"

Everyone looked to Tsu'tey with a questioning look on their faces.


"Mo'at! Do you remember what she told you about her dream? The one when Eywa talked to her?"

Mo'at thought for a moment before she nodded. Then her eyes widened and she looked to Jake.

"Jake is it possible to get a signal from her, where she is?"

"Yes that might be possible. Norm! Neytiri can you take the baby? NORM!!!!"

The called male came up to his best friend.

"What is it?"

"I need you and your computer skills. We need to detect my sister."

"Okay wait here, I'll go get it and the equipment."

"Tsu'tey, we should ask the neighbored clans to help. If it's true what your mate said, then we need every single help if it comes to another war."

Tsu'tey nodded and called some hunters and warriors. He told them to go to the neighbored clans and to tell them of their problem and of course to ask for their help. The hunters and warriors took off with their banshees and pa'li's, just when Norm came back with his computer and the necessary equipment.

"Okay, it shouldn't be that difficult to find her. Her DNA is saved in my computer and that should make it easier to locate her. I just need to scan our surroundings", Norm explained.

"I bet that she at one of the humans' base", Tsu'tey said.

Norm started his computer and typed something before the computer started to peep slowly.

"Okay, now it's waiting and listening. If the computer finds a trace of her DNA, then it will peep a bit faster. And if it finds her, it will peep more faster and especially louder."

The waited some minutes before the computer finally found something and it peeped very loud and fast..


"Yes! The computer finally detected a sign of her DNA."

"Where is she??!!"

Tsu'tey was panicked. He wanted to have his mate back. Norm looked at the information he got through his computer. He looked up at the panicked and nervous Na'vi male.

"You were right."


The Olo'eyctan was now confused.

"She at a base of the humans."

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