Chapter 11

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Who's there?

Don't worry. Like I said before I would talk to you in your next dream.


I'm here.

What do you need to tell me?

*Sigh* There is something big coming. The sky people have made the decision to come back, this time with bigger reinforcements.


To be honest. Even I don't know that. But you should prepare. I can assure you that it will require a lot of your willpower.

What must I do to prepare?

Train your skills. Become one of the people. Bond with friends. Increase your nonhuman abilities. And pay attention to your surroundings. I watched when they took a look at your data file. The sky people knew about your power longer before you did get here.
It's also why they wanted you here in the first place.
They wanted to fight and to use you for their benefits.

I didn't knew anything of that.

That's why I'm telling you now. So be careful. And remember the favor from Grace. *chuckle*


Goodbye dear one. You have my blessings. *smirk*

Wait, what? Why blessings?

You'll know soon.

~Dream end~

Roxy woke up with a jolt that send the Na'vi next to her flying out of the hammock.
He landed flat on his butt with a grunt.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" he asked concerned.

Roxy looked at him from inside her hammock.
Her breathing was a bit shorter than usually.

"I had a dream."

"What happened?"

He stood up and sat down next to her and cupping her face with his four-fingered hands.

"Eywa spoke to me again."

"She did?"

"Yeah. I've got to tell Mo'at. You coming with me?"

Tsu'tey nodded and helped Roxy out of the 'bed'.
They walked together over the roots up to the glowing tree in the middle of the place.
There Mo'at already sat, looking like she was meditating but opened her eyes when she heard the two approaching.

"I need to talk to you."

"What happened Jessa?"

"Eywa talked to me again in my dream."

"Tell me."

"I'll try to repeat what she said.
It was:

There is something big coming. The sky people have made the decision to come back, this time with bigger reinforcements.

She doesn't know when but she said that I should prepare which will require a lot of my willpower."

"What do you have to do?"

"She said:

Train your skills. Become one of the people. Bond with friends. Increase your nonhuman abilities. And pay attention to your surroundings.

She watched when they took a look at my data file. The sky people knew about my power longer before I did get here.
It's also why they wanted me here in the first place.
They wanted to fight you and to use me for their benefits."

Roxy was interrupted by an angry growling and two strong arms wrapping around her possessively, pulling her onto a lap.

"When they come here again, they will feel my wrath", Tsu'tey mumbled with his face on Roxy's shoulder, that caused her to shiver a bit.
He tightened his embrace.

"Did she say something else?"

"Only to remember a favor from Grace that I should kick ... my brother's butt ..."

She shifted and looked nervously over her shoulder into yellow eyes.

"You don't have to worry I already know."

"There's something else she said but I didn't quite understand that."

Roxy inhaled nervously before continuing.

"She said:

You have my blessings."

Hearing that Mo'at couldn't help but smile.
Both Roxy and Tsu'tey caught the smile and wondered what it could be.

"Do you know what Eywa meant by that?"

"Yes I do. But I won't tell you. It should be a surprise. For you. Both of you."


Well what did she mean with 'You have my blessings'?
*Dramatic inhale*

The answer iiiiiiiiis ...

I won't tell you.

Muhahahaha *evil laugh*

But the story will tell ya.

Byebye *waving hand*

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