Chapter 21: I'm So Scared

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*I cried as he threw stuff at me, his face was blurry. "You're a sneaky little bitch!" He shouted and then shoved me, I fell down and hit my head hard.*

"Hey it's just a dream." A voice said, "sshhh it's ok." They said, my eyes burst open and see I'm laying in bed while Grayson is holding me. "You had a nightmare." He said, "We're still not friends, so please let me go." I said getting away from him, "what the hell is your problem?" He asked, "I'm trying to be nice-" "that's the problem Grayson! Stop fucking trying to be nice, you blew it. I had feelings for you and you didn't care. So stop trying to be nice, stop trying to be my friend, we're nothing." I said getting up to open the door, but he put a hand above my head on the door and held it shut. I knew he was right behind me. "Let me go." I said, "I have one question."he said, "I don't want to hear your stupid question, let me fucking go." I snapped turning around. My back up against the door, his hand above my head. "I'm calling Eth-" I said pulling my phone out, "No you're not." He said taking my phone, "Grayson please give me my phone I'm tired, my head hurts, please." I begged. "Do you still have feelings for me?" He asked, my heart stopped. I couldn't look him in the eyes, "G-Grayson I'm tired and drunk can I please go home?" I begged, "I asked you a question." He demanded, "yea and you hate me! I hate you! So why the fuck does it matter huh? Because your answer is no. No I don't have feelings for you. No I don't like you. No no no, now let me go!" I snapped, he handed my phone over and I opened the door and slammed it. I started crying, I then just stumbled to the roof top.

The wind blew gently, my makeup ran down my face, I clutched my phone and dialed my dad. Then I hung up before it rang. "Hey are you ok?" Someone asked from behind me, I wiped my tears away quickly. "Yea." I said, it was Grayson. He came up beside me, and looked out into the city like I was doing. "What are you doing up here?" He asked, "thinking. Grayson please just go, I want to be alone." I said, "I wanna talk." He sighed, "I don't, conversation is over." I stated with a sniffle. "Are you at least ok?" He asked, "yes I said I'm fine!" I snapped. "Then why are you crying?" He asked, "I don't need pity, I said I'm fine now leave." I said, "is there anything I can do?" He asked, "Grayson I'm pretty sure you've done enough." I said looking at him, he looked over at me. "You lied to me didn't you?" He asked, "no I didn't." I said, "yea you did. You said you didn't like me, you didn't have feelings for me-" "and that's the truth!" I snapped, "then why are you fucking crying!" He raised his voice, I just went silent. I started crying again, harder this time though. "I'm so scared." I whimpered. He just took me into his arms, "it hurts so bad Grayson, you said you hated me. We didn't talk anymore, I need you you're my best friend. And now you're just gone." I cried into his chest, "I'm sorry, I really am. I just wish you didn't fall for me, you can do so much better." He said, "You don't like me do you?" I said sniffling the tears away, he didn't answer. "I just emptied my heart out to you and told you that I'm basically in love with you without saying it and you have feelings for me." I looked at him ashamed of myself, I shook my head and walked away. I felt a tug on my wrist and then we were face to face, "get away from me-" I said but then he looked into my eyes and kissed me. His lips so warm, soft, and plump. My stomach did flips, each of his hands on both sides of my face cupping my cheeks. I had a tear lightly run down my cheek, we pulled away slowly. "I'm not going to hurt you." He said wiping my tear away, I shook my head in disbelief. He pulled my head up by my chin to meet his eyes again, "I promise." He said. I smashed our lips back together, my arms wrapped around his neck.
He pulled away slowly, "Mackenzie would you please make me the happiest person, and be my girlfriend?" He asked. I shook my head with the biggest smile spread across my cheeks and hugged him.

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