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Sophia's POV

"Sapphire has always been part of the war," Blenn inhales. Everyone sat down on my bed, staring at Blenn, waiting for him to continue. "I'm tired of all of this. We have reasons why we brought Sapphire here: A) she is an asset and apparently have infiltrated the Chinese mafia's base, she's seen everything they've got. The weapons, their machines, how they export and import drugs from around the world B) We need her to spill everything. Because C) We need to confirm her death, and in order to do that we must kill her ourselves."

"What?!" I say held aback. "So everything so far was a façade? If you just want information about the Chinese Mafia then why do you need to kill her?"

"Sapphire has once betrayed us," Leo growls silently, his eyes turning dark and his lips into a thin line. "We all seek vengeance. She has caused so much trouble."

"The girl is arrogant and selfish, too." Andre scowls. "She killed our little brother."

"But Ethan loves her," I tell them. "He wouldn't want to kill someone he loves."

"Sophie, you stupid twat!" Andre snaps. "The man loves you! He does. Oh mai god."

"No. I saw it in his eyes.. He loves her."

I take a quick glance at Leo, his expression turns grim at the mention of Ethan. Our eyes met and he just stares at me intently, his face back to being impassive like before. Leo loves me. And he has always been. Now, I'm as confused.

"You have so much to learn, Andre," Leo says, chuckling. We all look at him completely confused. "My brother really played you well didn't he?"

"What do you mean?" Andre furrows his eyebrows, knitting it down together. "What the fuck do you mean?

Leo inclines his head to Blenn who stayed silent. "He has." He growls lowly, the tone of his voice vicious. "I realize everything from the moment Leo returned, and stepped foot on his territory."

"What's he planning?" Hugh interjects.

"I'm not quite sure," Blenn clicks his tongue in distaste. "But I bet his eldest brother has a clue."

Leo laughs, and looks at me, pacing back and worth slowly. "Sophia," He smiles and I look at him trying to absorb everything in. "Do you know, my brother was diagnosed as a psychopath since he was a child?"

"What?" My mind goes blank, my eyes widen and my heart starts racing. "What?" I repeat.

"I'll let you guys in on a secret," He smirks amused by our reactions. "He has his gun pressed against Sophia's back ever since that day I met her, when we were children. Blackmailing me until today."

"Absurd," Andre frowns. "I know Ethan, man. He wouldn't do that."

"Alright, Alright," He laughs, stands up from his seat, walking towards the door. "Gentlemen. Sophia. If you'll excuse me, I need to make a few calls."

"Wait—" Andre stands up, holding him by the shoulder, stopping him. He turns around his expression impassive and bored.

"I won't force you to believe what I'm saying. Because in a matter of fact, I don't give a crap about what you believe in," His lips twitch to a smile. "I just came here to see, Sophia." He glances at me. "And ask her if she would like to run away with me."

Sorry.. Im getting really uninterested in this story, you guys probably know the reason.. But I'll try updating with a very long pages next time..


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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