• 28: Chipotle is My Life •

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I was still fuming when I stood outside waiting for Alani to pick me up. My heart was pounding, and my hands were trembling, but I pasted a smile on when I saw Alani's little silver Nissan pull up to the driveway. Emma was in the front seat next to her. I slid into the backseat and forced enthusiasm out of every pore on my body.

"How was your Friday night?" I asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Great! Alani and I ended up having a sleepover, so we stayed up watching half the Harry Potter movies," Emma explained, her fingers fiddling with the nobs and buttons on the radio.

"That sounds good!" I said cheerfully. Though I'd only seen the first Harry Potter and something in me felt oddly bitter about the fact that I hadn't been to a sleepover since I was nine, I was still smiling.

Emma settled on listening to a punk rock band, which Alani bopped her head to appreciatively. "My loves," Alani cooed. I had no idea who this band was, but I listened to her and Emma go back and forth on this guy's voice, that one guy's hair, another one's guitar playing.

We soon pulled into a strip mall, and the three restaurants I saw were, Olive Garden, Chipotle, and IHOP. I glanced down at the phone in my hand, wondering if I could look at each restaurants' menus and nutrition pages without one of them noticing.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I hoped my voice didn't quiver with the nervousness I felt. Maybe I would only have to look at one.

Alani turned and grinned. "Chipotle!"

My heart sunk in my chest. I'd never been before, but I knew it was a fast food place. Mia was right. They picked a place with greasy unhealthy food and were super excited to eat it. Never mind the fact that all it would do was make everyone feel bloated. If she was right about that, she was probably right about everything else she was saying to me.

"Oh my God! I love Chipotle!" Emma squealed, imitating a video online that I'd seen Mia laugh at. I searched up their menu on my phone and quickly clicked the link.

"Chipotle is my life," Alani finished. The both of them started cackling excitedly, while I faked a laugh from the backseat. As the first items on the menu popped up, I felt my chest tighten nervously. Burritos, tacos, burrito bowls... Did they have a salad option?

The car came to a stop, so I put my phone down and continued to pretend to be happy as we walked into the restaurant.

The moment we stepped inside, the smell of Mexican spices and meat wafted towards me and my heart sank at the thought of having to resist it. I glanced at the large menu, seeing the amount of calories each meal had, displayed right next to it and I tried to keep my face from giving away how I anxious it made me feel.

"Over there!" Alani pointed to Cora, who was saving seats for us at a booth by the window.

"Hey girl hey!" Emma exclaimed sitting down next to Cora. Cora smiled at everyone, and though I noticed her smile dimmed slightly at the sight of me, I waved excitedly at her, probably startling her in the process.

"Hey, hey," Cora said to her friends. I sat across from Cora and Alani slid in next to me. My heart hammered in my chest as I waited for someone to say something. I felt like I was intruding on their friendship time – even if they invited me.

"Are we ready to go grab something yummy?" I was as surprised as they were, that that came out of my mouth. I think it was nerves that prompted me to say it. Or maybe to play a part. Emma giggled and even Cora cracked a smile.

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