• 106: Pieces and Shards •

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After asking me a few questions, Ms. Foster called in the vice principal, Mrs. Amaro to talk to me. It was more discreet than the two of us walking over to the office, though I had a sneaky feeling everyone knew already. Mrs. Amaro asked me a few questions, wanting me to explain the details of what happened. I tried my best to get through it without feeling panicked, but I was a mess throughout the entirety of it. She was very understanding, encouraging me to take my time, but I wasn't quite ready to hash it out, aloud. For that, I was annoyed at Emma for making me have to.

Ms. Foster had a spare for last period, so she let me stay in the art room rather than going back to my last class. I eventually calmed down, feeling tired from riding the high of anxiety all day and night. It felt less like an internal screaming panic and more like a lower hum radiating throughout my body.

I sat, staring at the wall that was covered in art projects, trying not to fall asleep. I felt the tiredness settling over me, but that came with the fear of nightmares. So, I blinked and blinked, fighting my eyelids until the final bell rang.

"Take care of yourself Melody," Ms. Foster said as I picked my backpack up. I nodded throwing my bag over my shoulder, as I left the room.

Quickly, I walked to my locker, avoiding the eyes of anyone who might have glanced my way. Carson was already at my locker when I got there, so I didn't spend very much time switching my books out. I locked my locker door and rushed down the hallway. We walked past Rose and her friends, and I avoided eye contact, not wanting to know if Diesel was amongst them or not.

We stepped outside and I felt more at ease, but it was marginal as I dreaded the thought of going home. I got into the car quietly and put my seatbelt on.

"How was your day?" Carson asked, closing his car door.

"Emma told," I stated as he started up the car.

"I know," he said, pausing for a moment as he buckled up.

"What?" I asked, feeling my blood boil. "Did you two plan it or something?"

"We didn't plan anything Mellie," Carson said.

"You told her about the bruises!" I insisted.

"She texted me later that night, because you hadn't responded to her or Alani all day and she was worried. I mentioned it because I was worried too. I am worried!"

"No one has to worry! I'm fine!" I yelled. Carson sighed and pulled out of the parking spot. There was a moment of quiet before either one of us spoke again.

"Did you want to come over?" Carson asked.

"That's okay; I know you have to study for your chemistry quiz," I replied.

"I can study while you're over," he said.

"Don't worry, really. I think I'm going to try to get some sleep," I said. I knew I wasn't going to get any, but I could attempt it.

"Alright if you're sure," Carson sighed.


When I got home, I changed into leggings and oversized t-shirt. Leslie wasn't there which was perfect because I didn't need any more worried glances. I flopped down on my bed, my head against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling.

I stayed like that for hours, barely registering my phone vibrating in my bag every so often. But I didn't move. I couldn't move. I didn't have the energy to. All I could do was lie there and think.

Think about the facts that Emma told Ms. Foster about what happened. That Ms. Foster told the VP. That I told the VP. The uncertainty of what might happen seemed to be standing on my chest. Would Diesel get in trouble? Would he turn everyone against me? Would the school even do anything? What was the point of all this?

Although school sucked before, it was at least it an escape from home.

Now I couldn't escape.

It was hell at school and hell at home.

I could hear Margot talking to my dad on the phone, whining about him not being home tonight for dinner. As if any of us would enjoy it.

I wondered how it was possible for someone to be so manipulative and horrible. How did she manage to weasel her way into our lives after tearing it apart? How was she okay with looking my father in the eye everyday knowing that she took his wife? How was she okay with being so mean to me knowing she took my mother from me?

Before I knew it, the sun was rising outside my window and I hadn't slept for a minute. I sighed, realizing it would soon be time to get ready for school. I pulled myself off my bed, a little surprised I'd managed to just lie here for over ten hours.

I took off the oversized shirt I was wearing and caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror that I got when I was ten. My dad and I meant to put it up but never got around to it after my mom. I frowned, seeing the bruises along my body that looked too big and pudgy.

I told you a fat ass was better to hold to.

It echoed in my mind, making my chest hurt and my eyes burn. With a mind of its own, my foot reached out and kicked it. I watched as it clattered to the floor in pieces and shards, and cracked a small, humourless smile. Now it looked how I felt.


Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so short! It was tricky to write... but Melody's figuring out where to go (as am I LOL). So hopefully a new day will bring something new! I hope you still liked this one... and I hope I'll have something for you soon! I'm in the last stretch for school so I have to buckle down!

Shout outs this chapter go to:






Hope everyone is well! Thanks for reading and see you soon! <3

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