• 41: Concave AND Swollen •

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On Monday, there were more Halloween decorations up, tomorrow being the day everyone was excited about, though I doubted many people were planning on trick-or-treating at this age. I walked into my English class wearing black jeans, a white sweater that had little cut-outs at the shoulders, and knee-high boots. I sat at my desk quietly, doodling in my sketchbook until people started to file into the classroom. I had come to school with Carson today, but had opted to meet him in class when someone started asking him about something in gym class.

"Jeff, switch places with me," I heard. It was the low hum of Carson's voice. I could imagine Jeff frowning, but didn't want to interrupt by looking up.

"Why?" Jeff asked.

"I want to sit next to my girlfriend if you don't mind... plus you can sit with Lily." Carson sang Lily's name a little, as if he was suggesting Jeff liked her. Which wouldn't be a big surprise after the way the two interacted during our group project.

"That's a good point... Okay fine. But if we get in trouble for switching –"

"We won't."

And just like that, Carson White was sitting next to me causing the entire class to stare at us. I let my wavy brown locks create a curtain between their glances and my face. When Mr. Garcia walked in, he simply popped in the movie version of the book we were watching and dimmed the lights. Everyone settled into their desks, hushed voices of excitement fluttered around the room. Carson shifted his chair closer to mine and leaned over to me.

"Want to have lunch outside today?" he asked.

"Okay," I whispered, feeling giddy with the heat of Carson's body radiating towards me in the dark. Carson rested his hand on his leg, palm turned upwards; an invitation. I smiled and placed my hand on his, lacing my fingers through his, and sat back to watch the movie.


Outside at lunch, I sat down at the usual tree and waited for Carson. I rested my chin on my knees and let the cool autumn breeze tousle my hair. It was unusually warm for fall, but by November it would definitely be cold. I closed my eyes for a moment; feeing the most relaxed I'd ever felt at school.

I jumped feeling a body next to mine but smiled when my eyes flew open and I was staring at Carson. He handed me a little container with carrots and cucumbers. There was a little place for dip and even some crackers.

"You really don't have to," I said softly.

"I really want to. It makes me feel better knowing you at least ate lunch," Carson said. I felt my cheeks heat, so I rested my head on his shoulder affectionately.

"Thank you," I mumbled. I opened the container. I could do lunch... especially if it wasn't heavy. I could manage.


After math class, Alani and I walked into the hallway and met up with Emma. She bounced over to us excitedly, her floral skirt flouncing with her movement. It was a stark contrast to Alani's black ripped jeans and a dark grey hoodie.

"Okay, so tomorrow is Halloween, so we're having a scary movie marathon at my house," Emma started.

"Yeah, it going to be Cora, Noah and us," Alani added. I smiled politely, unsure if Cora was going to be pissed off by my presence.

"You can invite Carson if you like!" Emma said sensing my hesitation. "And Harvey too... the more the merrier." I bit back a smile at the shy addition.

"You have to come," Alani insisted.

"Please!" Emma begged giving me a wide-eyed look.

"Okay, fine."

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