• 72: I-D-K •

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• Age Nine •

My mom, dad, and I sat around the coffee table, with a tabletop fire pit burning in the middle. Graham crackers, and pieces of chocolate were set in a plate so that we could reach them easily after roasting out marshmallows on the fire.

We were watching Elf, which always had my dad laughing, though he would try to pick another movie every time my mom and I suggested it.

"Watch your marshmallow Mellie, darling," my mom said, softly.

"Oopsie!" I giggled, pulling it away from the flame.

"S'more crackers for you," my dad said, handing me a graham cracker.

"Boo!" My mom and I yelled at the cheesy pun, making everyone laugh.

The Christmas tree was covered in strings of popcorn and handmade ornaments, dazzling in the warm lights wrapped around the pine. There were a few presents under the tree, but I knew the rest of them would be coming with Santa tomorrow night.

With Elf playing and my family laughing, I felt like the presents didn't matter anyways. I had everything that I needed.


I set my shopping bags down and stared at the Christmas tree, now void of homemade decorations, and replaced with expensive, unsentimental ones. I frowned, feeling the emptiness of the house weighing on me. Before, it was like my mother's personality and warmth was enough to fill the house. Now, it was missing something. It was missing her. Missing her warmth. Missing laughter.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs snapped me out of my thoughts, and I took off my jacket and hung it in the coat closet. I bent down to take off my shoes and when I stood up once again, the dizziness came back and a wave of heat seemed to wash over me. Suddenly, I felt my knees buckling and the wooden floor getting closer.

"Melody? Oh my God!"

I opened my eyes to see Mia standing over me. I frowned, feeling slightly confused, and sat up slowly.

"What happened?" I asked, hoping the faint ringing in my ears would stop.

"Um, I-D-K. I was walking down the stairs and you like, collapsed. It was pretty freaky!" Mia explained. "Here... get up." She extended her hand, which I took gingerly, and pulled me up from the floor. She helped me over to the couch and I sat down. "Don't move," she said walking away. She promptly came back with a glass of water then handed it to me.

"Um, thanks," I said quietly.

"Did you... hit your head or something?" Mia asked. She stood near the coffee table, hovering, like she wasn't quite sure what to do, but didn't want to leave.

"No. I'm fine. I stood up too fast," I responded, staring at her. I wondered if she had hit her head. This was the longest amount of time we had spent alone together in years without insults flying.

"Should I like, call a doctor?" Mia asked.

"No," I replied. I couldn't stop wondering what super nice demon had taken over her body. This was the Mia I knew years ago, not the Mia that made me climb up the bricks and go into my room through the window so that people didn't know we lived together.

"Okay, why are you staring at me with that goofy smile?" Mia huffed, her eyebrows creasing in frustration.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked, wiping whatever smile she was referring to off my face.

"I'm not being nice," Mia responded, folding her arms across her chest

"Yes, you are. You're usually so mean to me," I said, softly. "Why are you being nice now?"

"Well, you practically ate the floor right in front of me, I couldn't just step over your body," Mia said, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry though, next time I will." With that she marched over to the closet, grabbed her jacket and let the front door slam on the way out of the house. I sighed and put my water on the coffee table, before lying back on the couch.


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing and was shocked to see that it was already 4:45pm. I slid my finger across the screen to answer it.

"Mellie," I heard Carson's smooth voice in the phone and smile.

"Hey." My voice sounded rougher than I expected it to be.

"Did you just wake up?" Carson asked. "You never nap. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said after clearing my throat. "Did you want to come over?"

"Sure, give me twenty minutes."

"Okay, see you soon," I said before we hung up. I picked up the water from the coffee table and drank it and decided to put the bag with Leslie and Carson's presents upstairs. I had already given Alani and Emma theirs at the mall and they actually had gifts for me as well. From Emma, I got some cute makeup brushes, and from Alani I got a cute white mug that said 'dream'. Both presents made me smile, as I didn't expect anything from the two of them. But I was glad they thought of me.

When I made it up the stairs, I heard the washing machine going, and I wandered towards the room. Leslie was there, sitting on a stool and sorting through clothes. She was playing music from a little boom box that my family had gotten her a couple years back. She must not have heard anything beyond her little world of laundry.

"Hi," I said, making her turn around. She smiled.

"Melody! How are you?" Leslie asked, standing up.

"Good. I just wanted to give you something," I started as I handed her the gift. "It's small, but I thought of you when I saw it." Leslie gave me a smile as she took the present from me. She opened it and her gray eyes lit up.

"This is beautiful," she whispered as she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you darling."

"You're welcome," I said hugging her back, though I felt relieved when she let go of my body. The doorbell rang, and I made my way downstairs to greet my boyfriend.


Author's Note: Hey hey! Another day, another chapter! This ones not suuuper long, but I was trying to get it out to you all quickly, so I hope you liked it! I think this ones a bit juicy... we're seeing a different side of Mia bubbling once again! What do you think? Is it genuine or not? Where do you think it's coming from?

Special shout outs this chapter go to: alyssa183478hershey_lemon, and halles2018 for voting, and to melancholy3535 for voting and for your fun comments! :) Thanks to each and every one of you as well for voting and commenting and of course, reading!

The next chapter will be pretty cute (or at least that's what I've started on haha) so you can make your predictions for what might happen next with that hint!

This is the necklace Melody got Leslie:

This is the necklace Melody got Leslie:

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