• 60: Three-Pointer •

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Hey guys, I know you're still mad at me...

But I'd really like to meet before school tomorrow.

I want to explain everything.

Melody Reese; 6:14pm

Yeah, fine.

Alani Reynolds; 8:58pm

What time?

Emma Murphy; 9:01pm

Is 8 okay?

Also, can you tell Cora and Noah?

I don't have their numbers.

Melody Reese; 9:04pm


Emma Murphy; 9:07pm


Wearing jeans and a forest green sweater, my winter boots and jacket provided mediocre protection against the chilling winds of Connecticut. My body trembled both from the cold and with anxiety, as I got into the school. I checked my phone, the clock reading 8:06 a.m. The hallways were empty when I got there, having left by myself. The only other person would be the occasional teacher passing through. It made sense, considering school didn't start for another half an hour. I paced by Alani's locker, listening to the heels of my boots click against the floor. My eyes shifted, tracing the lines of the hall as kids trickled in slowly.

As people began passing by me, their eyes seemed to bore holes into my body, as if it were a portal to my personal life. Maybe they thought that if they looked hard enough, they'd find the answers that they believed they deserved.

I almost rolled my eyes at someone. The only people that deserved an explanation were my friends. Friends who weren't here at the moment...

What if they didn't show? What if they hated me? I didn't come here to make friends but losing them was worse than not having any in the first place.


I turned around to see Alani, Emma, Cora and Noah there, their expressions varying degrees of unreadable. I smiled weakly.

"Thank you, guys for coming," I started. "Um, I-I know you're all mad, and wondering why I didn't say anything... and I'm sorry that I didn't. I know this doesn't excuse it, but the reason I didn't say anything was because this has happened before. Everyone knew I modelled and the pressure, and bullying was so much. I mean even now; everyone is thinking I sleep with my uncle when Gavin's my agent! He's like an uncle, but not my blood. I-I know I wasn't honest about that either – I'm sorry, but I – it was nice having friends for a change... not being the girl who was trying to-to be her mother."

There was a pause before anyone spoke.

"Thank you." It was Emma. "I know you don't have to tell us everything but being blindsided was really weird...so thanks for explaining. Just know that this doesn't change anything."

"Same here girl... I think it's safe to say we overreacted," Alani added.

"Yeah, we're the ones who should be sorry," Cora grinned, shocking everyone there. I swallowed my surprise and gave her a smile.

"It's okay," I replied, tucking a brown lock behind my ear. There was another pause.

"Besides, that's freaking cool! You're a model!" Noah grinned, making Alani and Emma launch into excited chatter.

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