Chapter 7- Tickets and Concert

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Carlos P.O.V.

"I want to be a superhero too." Catie said while smiling.

"Nice, so what's your favorite color?" I asked.

"My favorite color is Purple yours?" Catie said/asked him.

"Me too. Wow we have a lot in common." I said with a smile.

"So are you going to the concert tonight?" I asked her.

"No, I'm not, but I wanted to though." she said and a little upset.

"Why couldn't you?" I asked her and feeling sorry for her.

"Cause me and my three friends wanted to go, but we didn't have enough money and it was sold out too." she said while sighing.

"Well don't worry, because you found the right guy." I said while smiling then give her four front row tickets and four backstage passes. She smiled at me.

"Thanks so much, Carlos." she says while smiling.

"Anytime." I said while looking into her eyes and she looked into mine. I lean in to kiss her.

"Hey, Carlos." James said while walking over to me with a girl and they are both holding hand and hand. Dang It! I was going to kiss Catie. Why James!? It was the perfect moment to kiss her. I was going to make a move.

"Ooh Hi Catie." the girl with James said. Who is she? And how does she know Catie? Maybe they are friends.

"Hey, J Kitty." Catie said while smiling.

"Wait you guys know each other?" I asked.

"Duh! J Kitty and me are like sisters." Catie said.

"Ooh guess what J Kitty." she said.

"What is it?" J KItty said.

"We are going to that concert that we wanted to go." she said then showing her the tickets and the backstage passes.

"OMG! YEA! I wanted to go OMG! Thank you." J Kitty said while smiling then hugging Catie.

Catie giggles," Don't thank me. Thank to Carlos." she said while smiling.

"Thanks so much!" she said while smiling.

"No problem." I said.


Yaya! they are going to the concert now. I hope you guys like it. :)

~Vanessa Schmidt

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