Chapter 13- Hating Him, Myself too

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Jennifer P.O.V.

Well I'm so pissed off right now! I can't believe he...UGG! I HATE HIM! aka KENDALL! He said that he loves me yeah...NOT!

"JENNIFER WAIT!" Kendall yelled after he change in his dressing room. Man, I can't believe it and I love him so much yet he does that to me. Like SERIOUSLY! WHO WOULD DO THAT!! I'M JUST DONE! I kept running or walking fast away from him most of the time when I saw him getting near me. I just want to be alone right now and maybe cry my angry out from him and what he did to me. He hurt my feeling, especially when is THE KENDALL FRANCIS SCHMIDT! The person from BTR and made a reason in my life to live. Now it felt like life is just worthless or nothing.

"Jennifer, please." Kendall said while right behind me I think he is crying. It sounds like it. I turned around yep, he is. Omg. I feel so bad Kendall is hurt even though he hurt my feels I can't see him sad at all or I will start crying. Which makes it worst.

"What, Kendall?" I said while starting to get tears in my eyes. I started to hate myself. I made Kendall upset which made me more sad.

"Please listen it happened all of a sudden and I didn't know that the hell happened back there. But I know that I love you, Jennifer and I will fight for you, cause I don't want to end like this way. Jennifer, I love you. I know you might not want to take me back, but please just think about us and what we have been through together." he said then kisses my cheek and holding my hand and kisses it. Damn, I can't let him leave and he so amazing to me still.

"I l-love you too." I said while smiling shyly. Then he smiled then kissing me softly get so perfect and with a lot of passion and I kissed back. I swear he was the best kisser ever! I swear I also like die every time he kisses me.

"Let's just forget it," I said betweens kisses.

"Forget what?" he said with a wink and I giggled. He is so cute and just so what's the word perfect. Wait! No. Perfection!

"What a dork. I said while giggling he winks.

"But, I'm your dork and you have to deal with me for the rest of your life." he said while smiling at me. I love his smile. I do forgive him like why not.


Hope you guys like it and sorry this chapter short and next it is J Kitty P.O.V.

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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