Chapter 20- My WWG

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Logan P.O.V.

So me and the guys are going to pick our World Wide Girls and I'm going to get Amanda to be my WWG. She is beautiful and I love her and she loves me and I just want what's the best for her. So I go in the crowd of screaming fans and trying to get my adtention well its not going to work, because I already know who I'm choosing. Amanda. I picture her name with my last at times. Amanda Henderson. I smiled about that.

Well I went in the front row and go to Amanda and grabs her hand and whispers into her ear," Will you be my World Wide Girl, babe?" I said while smiling too.

"Yes, I would love to." Amanda whispered into my ear then I kissed her hand and bring her to the stage with the guys WWG Girl which are Jennifer, J Kitty and Catie. Of course their girlfriend too. Then I sit on a stool next to Amanda and Kendall who is net to Jennifer next to J Kitty next to James and next is Carlos and Catie.


A/N: I know that the last sentence is confusing but all of the couples are sitting together if you are confused about that. :)

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo


So me and the guys introduce our girlfriends and we all told them that will are really dating and what's happened so far on the tour and have a good time. Then we started to sing worldwide I held Amanda's hand and I kiss her on the cheek at times and she blushes too. She is so cute when she blushes.


And I can hardly take another goodbye.

Baby, it won't be long.

You're the one that I'm waiting on.

All Of Them:

Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone.


Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide.

Girl I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide.

Girl I'll be thinking about you




Yes, I may meet a million pretty girls that know my name.

But don't you worry.


Cause you have my heart.

Then the song ended I was still holding on Amanda's hand. I was looking into her eyes through the whole entire song and she would smile at me and I would smile back. Amanda makes me happy. Well Worldwide was the last song tonight for the concert in Los Angeles and next is San Diego. I love San Diego and I love their beaches too. They have amazing beach there. I'm think going on a beach date with Amanda. I bet she looks hot in a bikini too.

Well now I go backstage with the guys and their girls with mine too and when change in our changing rooms and head for the tour buses and get in and get ready for to next day ahead for us which is San Diego. After the concert in San Diego which is in the morning which is are only concert in the morning well we go on Cambio. Do a interview on there and oh, yeah before the concert we have to go to a radio station and do an interview there too. So two interview and one concert all in one day. Well after they Cambio interview we have the whole week off. Well Kendall is taking Jennifer to his parents house, but she doesn't know that yet. James and J Kitty are going to her family's house so he can meet her parents and yes, James does know about this. Carlos and Catie are going to New York City to look at all of the sites there. Well me and Amanda are going to Mexico. I never told her that yet, I want it to be a surprise.


I hope you guys like it and I'm going to try to make the chapters longer and its taking for along time to do this just to tell you guys and next its is Jennifer P.O.V. and yes there will be a dirty chapter and a clean chapter from the last part from them just to tell you guys. :)

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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