Chapter 21- After The Concert (Dirty Version)

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A/N: Well this the chapter that has the dirty part to it and I will post the clean version after this. Just to tell you guys.

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo


Jennifer P.O.V.

Well Kendall chose me to be his WWG! I always wanted to be Kendall's WWG! and date him! I swear I am in a fairy tale. I always dreamed about me and Kendall be friends then be girlfriend and boyfriend then get married and have kids together. He is just perfect.

"Hey, baby girl." Kendall said while smiling. Me and Kendall are in our room where we both sleep at night.

"Hey, Kendall." I said while smiling then kissing him and he kisses back then we starts making out again what we did before the concert started. Then he pulled away and I have his fore-head against mine. I need him so bad. I never felt so much passion and need for anyone in my life. I never had sex before, but I knew it was my time. He is the one. The guy I always in love with and that had my heart. He made me feel so happy when I was down. He would make me feel better. So I grab the end of his shirt and starts tugging on it and making him getting on top of my on the bed while still kissing him again. Then he pulled out again.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked me while looking into my eyes. I knew what my answer way and I know what to do.

"Yes, and Kendall its my first time please go slow." I said. He looking at with worried eyes after that. Did I do so thing wrong? I hope not.

"Baby, you don't have to do this. I'm not going to make you. Plus its your first time and I want to make you feel contemptible about it." he said. Its so sweet that he cares a lot about it. He is the sweetest thing ever.

"I know, and thanks Kendall you are so sweet and yes I want to do it with you. I want to lose it with you and only you. I love you." I said after I kissed his cheek.

"Okay, baby and just tell me when I hurting you okay?" he said. Ugg. I swear he is so fucking sweet to me. I swear I'm so happy that I got back together with him. He is the best thing ever.

"Okay and Kendall?" I said while looking into his perfect green eyes.

"Yeah. baby girl?" he asked me.

"Before we do it I need to ask you ask you something." I said.

"Okay and what is that?" he asked me.

"What would you do if I got pregnant with you kid?" I asked him and he smiled and started to hold me tightly.

"I will be there with you the whole time and I will help you with the kid and I will always love you and that kid of us our no matter if its a girl or a boy." he said while smiling then kisses my neck and I moan softly and move my head back and more the side so he can get more of my neck. His lips on my skin feels good.

"I love you..." I moaned out.

"I love you too, baby girl." he said then takes off his shirt and slowly mine and he looks in me in the eye to whole time not at my breast. Until he looked at me to see if its okay if he can takes my clothes off, I slowly nodded. He took his time. He was careful about everything I thought that was so sweet again. He is the love of my life.

We are both naked and tange and making love and feeling happy and pleasure. He so good at this. I swear he is the god at this.

After a while I felt so good and our bodies are making that slapping noise but I good feeling to and we try to get close as possible we can. I love feeling him inside of me.

"Cum, baby girl." he said. Which made me cum after and he came after and in me and he wasn't wearing a condom but I'm okay with it since he will be there with me if I have a kid.


Hey, guys I hope you like it and I'm working on the clean Version next :)

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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