Chapter 11- Love To Do It!

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Katelyn P.O.V.

So today I'm going to visit Kendall and his new girlfriend. Gross. Kendall hould be dating me and only me not this Jennifer girl. Okay, I mitt that I'm jealous that Kendall is dating a girl that's not me.

"Katelyn, Demi just got Amanda aka Logan's girlfriend to run away from him, because she kissed him and he kissed back." Halston said while smiling and coming into my room. Me, Halston, Alexa, and Demi share a house together its okay, I guess...

"Nice, so what do we do now?" I asked her. She is going at these kind of plans.

"You come and when Jennifer is about to come just take off Kendall's clothes and kiss him hard." She said. I would love to do it and Kendall is hot and so sexy!

"Okay I will," I said while smirking. I'm going to do it and I'm also going to enjoy this.

~At Kendall's Dressing Room Door~

I wait at Kendall's dressing room door then I see Kendall coming then Jennifer trying to catch up to him. Perfect timing. So I took of Kendall clothes fast and ripped them too and kissing him hard against the wall and rubbing him then he moaned. Yes! Prefect!

"KENDALL FRANCIS SCHMIDT! WHAT THE FUCK! IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!" Jennifer yelled at him. I stop and when she yelled it a little scared me, but a lot to Kendall though.

"Jennifer, I don't know okay. She just pulled me over and start ripping my clothes off and started to kiss me and rubbing me. Jennifer please I only love you." Kendall said while getting his ripped clothes back on.

"FORGET IT, KENDALL! WE ARE OVER! O-V-E-R!" she screamed at him then she started to cry hard.

"JENNIFER!" he yells so she would come back, but she didn't. YES! Halston's plan did work. Then Kendall turns back to me.

"THANKS SO MUCH! CAUSE I JUST LOST THE ONLY PERSON I LOVE!!!!" he yelled at me then goes in the dressing room. Well, now Kendall is mad at me. Oh well he will get over it. What a cry baby. So then I texted Halston.

K: Hey, the plan worked and Jennifer is most likely will not get back with him now, but now Kendall is mad at me. Is that good or no?

H: Okay, and that's great and no you want him to be ad cause he will be thinking about it more.

Then I walked over to my car and drive back to the house.


I hope you guys like it and next it is Alexa's P.O.V. :D

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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