Chapter 21- After The Concert (Clean Version)

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A/N: Well this the chapter is the clean part to it and OMFG I GOT OVER 1,000 READS ON THIS! HAH! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS! and I have over 60 votes and comments! THANKS SO MUCH YOU GUYS I'M SO HAPPY NOW! :D

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo


Jennifer P.O.V.

Well Kendall chose me to be his WWG! I always wanted to be Kendall's WWG! and date him! I swear I am in a fairy tale. I always dreamed about me and Kendall be friends then be girlfriend and boyfriend then get married and have kids together. He is just perfect.

"Hey, baby girl." Kendall said while smiling. Me and Kendall are in our room where we both sleep at night.

"Hey, Kendall." I said then pecks him.

"I love you." he said then holding me and kisses my fore-head and then we both lay in bed just watching Big Time Movie. Okay, yes we are watching the movie he is in, but its like one of my favorites though and Kendall is okay with watch it.

"I love you more." I said while giggling and cuddling with Kendall and with his arms around me and my head is on his shoulders and when I got tired of the movie I starts the draw imagery shapes on Kendall's chest. Yes, he is shirtless but he is only in his boxers and yes I don't mind if I sleep with Kendall while he is just in boxers.

"I don't think so." he said then winks. Please, I love him more since 2009.

"Well I love you since 2009, bet that." I said and ticks out my tongue and giggling after.

"Ugg! One day I will bet you," he said then smirks and kissing me and I giggle at his cuteness.

"You can keep trying, but I love you more than you will ever know." I said and kisses him and he kissed back.

"What time is it?" I ask him then he gets his phone and looks at the time.

"Its 10:45pm." he said while playing with my hair then he yaws.

"I think we should go to bed now." I said and then giggling then he yaws. He is so cute when he yaws.

"Okay, babe." he said then he shuts off the Tv and shuts off all of the lights and lays next to my. Then I put my head on his chest and cuddling and laying close to him as possible. Then fell asleep in Kendall's arms. I feel so safe in his arms.


I hope you guys like it and next it is J Kitty P.O.V. :)

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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