Chapter 12- Getting Him

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Alexa P.O.V.

So you have seen that Me, Demi, Halston and Katelyn are trying well mostly got BTR in our hands now, but except for me but I will get Carlos no matter who gets in the way.

"HALSTON!" I yelled for her to come in the living room then she comes down the stairs.

"What is it Alexa?" Halston asked me.

"When are we going to get Carlos to date me again and so to make sure that their girlfriend dum them." I said.

"Well, later okay? I'm sorry I just not feeling good about this anymore." she said. What? Why she would stop her plan to use them again? What's into her? Is she falling in love? But if she is but who and why? Or does she hate me now?

"C'mon you were the one that made up the plan for this. It seems like you don't like me as a friend now. What happened to you, Halston? Where is that crazy, bad girl, Halston at?" I said while starting to hate her cause it seems at times she hates me or doesn't care at all.

"I know and I don't like you as a friend I love you as a sister and well I think I'm in love and I think that I fell in love hard and yeah..." she said. OMG! Wow! Halston has a CRUSH! But who?

"Okay and OMG WHO IS THE GUY!" I said while smiling widely.

"Its James, but I can't see him upset or mad at me. I think his is better with J Kitty. I'm such a bitch by hurting them both. I wish I can take it back." she said while about to cry cause she has tears in her eyes. Wow! She really does love him once she realized it. Well, I'm going to help her.

"Ooh and well maybe try to talk to him and explain to him and maybe and I mean mean he will give you another chance for what you did the first time." I said while smiling and giving her a friendly hug.

"Thanks, Alexa for understand." she said.

"No problem." I said then Katelyn came back and ran into the living room where me and Halston are.

"OMG YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE THIS!" Katelyn yelled in excitement while smiling big.


Hope you guys like it and next will be Jennifer P.O.V. and what will happen next? lol ;)

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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