Chapter 8- Before The Concert Something BAD!

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Logan P.O.V.

~1 Hour Before The Concert~

Me and the guys are just relaxing before our show and I'm taking to my new and beautiful girlfriend Amanada. She is amazing and smart and beautiful. She understands me about everything and how it feels being the smart one. I love her so much even though its been like five hours dating her.

"LOGAN! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH LOGIE!" Demi Lovato screamed and ran to me. What? Missed me? More like missed my money and fame! Yes, I have dated Demi, but she was only using me so I dumped her for a WAY BETTER PERSON! Like Amanada. Why is she here anyways? What does she want from me now? When she got to me she saw Amanada on my lap and I was kissing her cheek.


A/N: Guys Logan and Demi have never dated its just in only in this story and there's going to be A LOT of drama at this point just to tell you guys. AND I LOVE DEMI! My favorite song by her is Neon Lights, just to tell you guys.

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo


"Logan? Who is she?" Demi asked me. HOW DO YOU DON'T KNOW! ITS MY GIRL!

"What do you want? and she is Amanada MY WAY BETTER GIRLFRIEND THEN YOU!" I said while I sort of yelled the last part at her face. Well I don't care, because she deserves it for everything she has done to me.

"I miss you, us, together, I know I used you for the money and for the fame, but please forgive me. I do really miss you. I just never realized that you are my life." she said. I DON'T CARE LIKE I SAID! DUH! Then she kissed me right in front of Amanada. Wow! I guess I do miss Demi cause I kissed back. Then I heard crying and I open my eyes I see Amanada crying hard then runs away. All of the guys and her friends just stare at me. WHAT DID I JUST DO! FUCK! I MESSED IT UP! STUPID LOGAN!

"WAIT! AMANADA! PLEASE! WAIT! LET ME EXPLAIN!" I yelled and running after her and trying to catch up. DAMN IT!


I hope you guys like it! :)

~Vanessa Schmidt xoxo

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