chapter 3

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Danial's POV

Ever since she fainted in the morning mom wouldn’t let her out of her sight, fearing she might faint again. Honestly, I was already bored to death sitting here idly in our living room and watch her getting irritated every 10 seconds on stupid things like why she had orange coloured  pillows in her room? Or why does our neighbour have a black cat as their pet?


What does she want? Pink colored pillows?

"Auntie I think you should do whatever you were planning to do previously, I am absolutely fine now, Alhamdulilah!”, she tried once again for the billionth time. And for the billionth time mom shook her head.

Before mom could say anything she spoke "I assure you I’m fine and if I would have any problem I’ll let you know".

Mom looked at her and thinking she looked better now she decided to get back to her work.

"Ok honey, but if you feel uncomfortable or anything at all please let me know besides Danial's going to stay here with you. He has got nothing to do anyways", she informed me more rather than her. What the hell!

She had a horrified expression across her face and she looked at me as if she had seen a vampire. Am I that scary? I asked myself. She looked away and then muttered something in her native language.

Mom left within 10 minutes and I was left all alone with her. I went to sit on the same couch where she was sitting, I saw her body become stiff and within 10 seconds she ran upstairs to her room.

Whoa! She is weird. Having nothing to do I went to my own room to browse on the internet.

The rest of the day passed by without any other thing happening. She stayed in her room while I wandered about the house like a ghost .Mom came back home at around 6 in the evening .Soon as she entered she asked about Sara. Guess my mom has forgotten me.

15 minutes later

"Sara, honey I’m home. Why don't you open the door?"Mom asked for the 15th time and yet there was no answer. She started panicking a little, but finally the door opened and Sara stepped out. She wore a skirt and a t-shirt, her hair was all messed up and she rubbed her eyes. She looked as if she just woke up.

"Sara, why were you not answering?", mom asked; still worried for her.

"Sorry auntie, I dozed off and I didn’t realize when you came back, sorry", she replied in a small voice. She looked like she had been crying.

"What's wrong dear, you look like you have been crying?", mom asked voicing my thoughts.

"No auntie, I wasn’t actually before I dozed off I was watching this extremely funny video. I laughed so hard that it brought tears to my eyes", she replied, smiling now .Before mom could go on she was interrupted.

"Hi handsome." Somebody spoke from behind and I knew who exactly it was. Ally.

"Ally!  What are you doing here?",I asked her, trying to act surprised but failing miserably.

"I missed you too brother, I know you don't like me much but I came here to see Sara", she said. And then she engulfed Sara in a big bear hug. SO now not just my family but my cousins too are a Sara fan. Yippee!

"Assalamualaikum and thank you for coming here", Sara said, laughing at her happy expression.

"Waalekumassalam dear and it's my pleasure. Ok so before we start I want to eat something; I am starving" Ally spoke in a rush while grabbing her hand and dragging her downstairs along with her towards the kitchen. I followed behind mom who went after them. Once in the kitchen Sara asked her "What do you mean by before we start? Are you planning something special for tonight?" Hey are you staying for the night? Please do."

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