Chapter 22

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Danial's POV

"Goodnight Danny", Sara said while getting up from the bed, she yawned widely and then walked towards the door.

"Sara", I called out just as she reached the door.

"Yeah?", she asked turning around to face me.

"If you ever feel like talking to someone, you can always come to me", I hinted.

"Thank you but I hope you do know that you'll not always be here within my arms reach", she replied puzzling me.

"What do you mean?", I  questioned.

"Goodnight Danny", she stepped out and closed the door behind herself with a soft click sound. I stood unmoving at my spot as I wondered what that could possibly mean. Then after a while I did my nightly routines, changed into my pyjamas, removed my shirt and went to bed.

Soon sleep took over and I found myself drifting off to deep sleep.

The next day when I woke up, after brushing my teeth, bathing, and changing into fresh clothes I said my fajr salah and then went downstairs for breakfast.

As I entered the kitchen, I noticed that nobody was there, just in that moment, Sara came running inside, "Danny, you need to come outside, come fast", she said as she again ran back outside. Curious, I went after her.

I got really worried when I reached the main door and found two police cruisers pulled up in our driveway.

"What happened? Why are the cops here?",I questioned as soon as I neared my family. But before anyone could answer, one of the officers came upto me.

"Are you Danial?", he queried.

"Yes, why? What happened?", I repeated myself.

" We found a girl, trying to smuggle drugs, her name happens to be Mariam and she was accompanied by a few other girls, all of them carrying drugs, we have received information that she is your fiancé, is that true?", when I nodded, he continued on saying," then you have to accompany us for interrogations, you have nothing to worry about if you are not involved, but in case you are", he didn't get to finish his sentence as I stepped forward and nodded at him, he understood that I was willing to cooperate with them and so we left, getting into the police cruiser, which soon pulled out of the driveway.

I knew mom would be unhappy, dad would be outraged and Rehan along with my grandparents must be fuming. As for Sara and Ashar, I didn't know.

We soon reached the local police station, where I noticed that besides the local police officers, there were other security officials along with a few, airport security staff waiting outside, but for whom I couldn't say.

As the car pulled to a stop, I said Bismillah, and got out. The cops took me inside the small building while I wondered what Sara was doing at that time. Brushing her teeth? Probably!

After a few hours of interrogation, they allowed me to leave. I found out that Mariam and her friends were indeed guilty. She used those seventy thousand pounds to buy drugs, although the officers did assure that my money would be returned. I was not sure if they would be able since obviously, it was already used. Nonetheless, I thanked Allah for saving me from a lifetime of lies and betrayal.

As I got to the road, I took a taxi and went back home, all the while having a stupid grin on my face, Why? Because I was free of Mariam, I didn’t need to make any excuses or break up with her and see her emotional breakdown.

Everything will soon be alright, I thought, then looked at my wrist watch. It was almost noon; we'll have to leave soon. The cab stopped, after paying the cab driver, I got out and went towards grandpa's house. As I entered I saw mom and dad waiting for me in the living room. After telling them everything that had happened, I went to my own room, got my stuff which was already packed and went downstairs, since dad was in a hurry.

When I got outside, I found mom and grandpa packing some eatables, while dad and grandpa were talking to each other while Ashar and Rehan talked about some random stuff, the only person missing was Sara. Thinking that she must be outside, I went to the backyard, but she was not there. I ran my eyes around the backyard, the old mahogany, pine, juniper, maple and a few more trees which I couldn't recall the names of stood tall all around the backyard.

My eyes landed on a familiar object, looking old and abandoned. Without realizing I moved towards it. Touching its rough seats, which were ones plush and comfortable, now seemed uninviting; unwittingly I went down the memory lane, remembering my childhood. How I used to play with the local children around this swing, how I would fall asleep in grandma's lap while listening to her stories, how grandpa taught me how to hold a bat in the right way, our family cricket matches which were oh so fun. Mom and aunts and grandma would make special dinner for us hungry horses and we would dive in after our tiring matches like hungry hyenas.

A chuckle left my mouth, when I remembered making Hamza fall off of the swing, his book tore a little bit at the edges but I was innocent, I didn't do it on purpose so I was not punished, again I chuckled remembering Hamza's disappointed face when he found out that I was not punished.

After a few more minutes of staring at everything around, I went back inside only to find everybody ready to leave.

"Mom are we ready to leave?"

"Yes Danial, R-"

"Then where's Sara?", I  questioned cutting her across.

I knew I should have let her finish her sentence, but I was kind of restless.

"After you left with the cops, Aditya came, and because we didn't know how long you would be gone, I  decided to let her go", not understanding what she was trying to imply, I  opened my mouth to cross question but Ashar beat me to it," Sara went with Aditya to his home". 

"What do you mean, she went with him? How could you let her go with him all alone? Mom don't you understand-"

"Calm down Danial, what's the problem? He's your best friend and so what if she went with him? Have you no trust in him at all?", Mom asked exasperatedly.

But how was I supposed to answer, what was I  expected to say? The truth or lie? Not knowing what to do, I  took my car keys, said Allah hafiz and salaam to everyone and with that went outside, got in my car and went straight towards Aditya's home, only to find them missing from there as well. They never turned up at his place, I was told. Angrily I went to my own home, cursing the whole world for God knows what reason. 

She didn't even wait for me to return, she really didn't care one bit about me. She was not even worried as whether the cops will let me walk away or not? Whether I would come home or not, no instead she went with him. Angry as I was, I sped up and reached home earlier than planned, the lights were on which meant that somebody must be home, most probably it was Sara. Because it would take mom and dad some more time before they reach home. 

I have never been so disappointed to see my family than I  did at that moment, my first question after recovering from the initial shock was, "Is she home?", when mom shook her head, I  nodded and went to my own room. 

Lying down on my bed, I couldn’t help but wonder about her whereabouts, the first and last question that plagued my mind before I drifted to sleep was’ Sara, where are you?’


Hi guy, how are you all? I hope you all are fine, so here's the new chapter, frankly i just wanted to get rid of Mariam besides i hope now the story or chemistry or whatever you wanna call it, will begin, well hopefully...can't be sure though, since Danial can be an idiot at times..anyways thank you all for reading my story and for showing your really means a lot to me...anyway please do leave your suggestions, predictions and anything that you want to say and lastly i want to apologize for the late update but i really don't have the time to give to my writing, nonetheless enjoy your day lovelies..:)

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