Chapter 17

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Mariam's POV

I was about to yell at him but first I wanted to kill that bitch. I wanted to snap her neck off of her body then beat the hell out of her. But before I could do that, I noticed them sitting on the bed with their clothes on. Danial was applying some sort of ointment with the help of a cotton bud on her bruised elbow which was bleeding at that moment.

"Ahhhh, tsk tsk", Sara whispered. It clearly hurt her.

"Sara, stop it. You need to stop acting like a kid. You should have been careful while riding that stupid horse. It’s your fault so stop whining", Danial scolded her looking annoyed.

Sara shook her head and looked in my direction, her eyes widened on seeing me."Mariam aapi", she exclaimed.

Danial stopped what he was doing; he turned to look at me, surprise and shock written all over his face. I smiled at him," Hi babe”, I said as I entered. Sara quickly got up and moved aside. Somebody called her from downstairs, so she quickly went out the doors, downstairs towards the person who had called.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?", Danial questioned as soon as I closed the door.

"I missed you so much”, I said pouting at him and then I walked seductively over to him. I sat down on his lap, raping my arms around his neck.

"What the hell are you doing? Get off me”, he whisper yelled, throwing me onto the ground and walked towards the door."Ow,I got hurt all because of you! What’s wrong with you? Why don't you want to… ",

"No, I don't and I think I already told you that”, he spoke cutting me off.

Before I could protest, he walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind him. I got up and ran after him downstairs. I went into the kitchen only to bump into him. I went around him to look at what he was seeing, but first I noticed his angry glare that he was sending to my surprise it was towards Sara.

She was talking to a guy who was standing closer to her than she allows even Danial but she seemed at complete ease. She smiled at him while he was narrating some instance to her. Danial marched into the room. He cleared his throat to make them aware of our presence and Sara looked up then realizing that she forgot something she hurried towards the kitchen counter, “I am so sorry, I completely forgot you must be thirsty. Actually I found John sitting here and started chatting with him", she explained while handing me a glass of water.

"Why did you even bother, she could have taken it if she was thirsty?", John asked her.

"My manners, you see I come from a very sophisticated family”, she said grinning childishly.

"A middle-class sophisticated family, you mean", I added, wanting to make her feel embarrassed of her poor economic conditions but she smiled at me.

"That's right”, she agreed. Oh now I get it, she is trying to be all goody-good in front of Danial. How shameless is she? Even after knowing that he is my fiancé, she is trying to attract him towards herself. Low class, pathetic bitch, I thought to myself.

"Mariam aapi, did anyone else come with you? And did you bring fresh clothing for us?", she asked turning towards the refrigerator.

"Nobody came with me. I came all alone and no, I didn't know that you needed a change of clothes", I replied coldly. She didn't notice my icy tone cause she turned to me with a small smile on her lips.

"Oh, that's okay. I guess we'll have to go and buy some from a shop nearby if there is any".

"Yes, there are a few shops but they are quite far from here, at least five miles. If you want I can take you there”, the guy suggested.

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