Chapter 13

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Sara's POV

Danial dropped the glass that he was holding, with tears in his eyes. He tried to speak but for some reason he couldn’t while everyone else stood frozen. It was like a scene from The Chronicles of Narnia, where the evil witch freezes many of the Narnians.

"Um, what am I missing here?",I asked feeling awkward.

There was this uncomfortable silence lingering around. I cleared my throat and yet there was no response. Okay this is annoying! I thought to myself. Frustrated I decided to leave but before I could, aunty stopped me.

"Sara, you have a right to know. This is Mariam, Danial's ex-fiancé, who died about 3 and a half months ago”, aunty said in a cold, bitter tone, which I had never heard coming from her. To say I was happy to know this would be wrong. I was beyond happy; I was delighted, glad and wanted to do a happy dance. Danial's fiancé was not dead, she was alive. Yippee!

I was happy because now there would be no need for me to marry him. I could actually be free and nobody, including grandma, could force me to since Danial would naturally get back with her. But after doing a happy dance for about five minutes I realised that much to my dismay; that everyone else looked angry; hatred clearly visible on their faces. Except for Danial, who looked confused and shocked, so shocked that his mouth was agape and his gaze was fixated on Mariam aapi. He blinked a few times, I believe he was thinking that she might disappear, as if it was his imagination. I bet he thought he was hallucinating because he pinched his left hand which turned bright red.

I realized that I would have to do something or else she might die under their gazes no actually from the daggers that every single person was sending in her direction. I needed to calm them down a bit. I was aware that I should not be interfering in their family matter but I needed to do something to make them all act better, no matter what happened I still didn't want Danial or any other member of this family to get hurt, by the hands of this girl but at the same time I also believed that she should at least be given a chance to present her case, explain to them about her absence.

Rehan's(Danial's brother) POV

I couldn't believe it; I couldn't trust my own eyes at what I saw. Mariam was alive; she was standing right in front of us. To say I was furious would be an understatement. I was infuriated but before I could yell at her for betraying my brother, for making him go through so much, Sara intervened.

"Wait a second, if she is dead then how can we see her? How come she's standing here? Is she a ghost? Is she haunting us?", Sara asked innocently, her face turning pale with every single question she put forward. I couldn't believe her, here she was on the verge of losing her fiancé and still she was worried with some super natural stuff.

Unbelievable! However it still brought a smile on my face, and by now Alley had joined us, who had the nerve to laugh in such a serious situation at hand.

"Sara, you are so immature, there’s nothing like ghost. Gosh! If you believe in ghost and stuff then you must also believe in vampires and werewolves, now don't you”, Alley said laughing.

Sara shook her head violently like a stubborn little kid,"No, I don’t, there is nothing like vampires besides it was aunty who said that she's dead. From what I know dead people are buried and they never return. Oh I get it, you found a way to come back! Is there any chance I could talk to my grandparents? Please tell me there is, I have never met them and I want to, they died even before I was born".

"Sara, what mom meant was that she had kept us all under the impression that she was dead, when in reality she was alive. In simple words, mom’s angry with her for keeping us all in the dark”, it was Hamza who spoke.

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