Chapter 27

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It was the first time that I had seen Frankie crying as much as she was. It broke my heart. But why was she crying? There was no need to. I had told them where I know Scarlet would be. She would be safe and I had been promised that I'd be left alone. What more could I have done?


'You did the right thing.' The brunette sniffled. 'Thank you.' 

I didn't reply. I shrugged my shoulders, spun back on my heels and headed back up to bed. 

'Lucy please!' Frankie now sounded frustrated. 

'What now?' I screamed at the top of my voice, leaving my tears to escape and my body to flop down onto a step. 

Then nothing. Silence was all around us. Frankie softly climbed the stairs until she was crouched in front of me, then gave me the tightest hold. 

'I don't know anymore Frankie. It's too much. I'm having a breakdown.'

'I know you are Lucy. I can tell. Just calm down and take some deep breaths. Remember, I have been through all of this... depression, anxiety and all these breakdowns. I never wanted you to come here and feel this way. You were supposed to be come here and we were supposed to make you happy.' 

 'I am happy. I'm just not right now. Ugh, I can't explain it.' I started getting frustrated with myself.

'Ey. Now. Stop it. You don't have to explain yourself.' Frankie was strict but calmed her tone down before she carried on. 'Let's get you up to bed. I know Vanessa will still be up there getting worried about you.' 

'I bet she doesn't even like me anymore, thanks to Scar.' 

'Are you kidding me? I'm mad about you.' I heard another voice coming from behind me. When i turned around a small slim but curvy brunette staring lovingly towards me. Her head on a slight tilt and her dark curls flowing in front of her shoulders. 

'There's yuor answer.' I heard Frankie smile. 'Let Ness look after you because I know she will.' 

Without speaking, I stood up shakily and was about to head to the top of the stairs where Vanessa was waiting for me. 

'Who's going to look after you?' I turned to face a tear stained Frankie, leaving her to giggle. 

Aren't you adorable taking care of me like that, I will make sure Mollie gives me a cuddle sweetie.' 

'Make sure she does. I'll be asking her tomorrow.' 

'Okay Luce, you can do that.' My newly adopted mother smiled before planting a kiss on my forehead. 'Now go up to sleep honey.'

As soon as I reached Vanessa, she pulled me into her tightest hold yet, leaving my tears to splash onto her shoulder.

'Come on babe. Let's get you to bed. It's starting to get light now.' 


'Ness, are you awake?' I whispered. The brunette had tucked me into bed and cuddled me around two hours previously but I still couldn't sleep. I looked towards the window to see the sunlight poking through my blinds. 

'What's up babe?' The beauty stirred as she turned to face me. 

'I really do love you, you know?'

'I know you do.' I could almost hear her smile. 'And you don't have to worry. Now that Scarlet is out of your life, we can start building ours.' 

What Vanessa had said to me made my heart beat faster than humanly possible. 

'Promise?' I spoke sharply. 

'Pinky promise.' I felt Vanessa raise her hand up for me to tangle her finger in mine. 


I was awoken in my bed alone by the sound of tiptoeing down the hall. I was confused to find that I had fallen asleep in Vanessa's arms and now waking up alone. I stumbled out of bed and headed for the door to find out who was pacing the length of the hall. 

'Mollie, what are you doing?' I yawned as I scratched the back of my head.

'I wanted to wake you but I didn't want to walk in on you and Vanessa, if you know...' 

'Vanessa isn't here anymore.' 

'Well she hasn't come down.' Mollie looked at me puzzled. She finally realised I was telling the truth when I matched her expression. 

A few more seconds of confused silence had passed before the latch on my en suite bathroom had twisted and out came a natural looking Vanessa, wearing nothing but a towel. 

'Right... well... err... now that's cleared up. I'll err just be down there' Mollie awkwardly pointed to the stairs, making a quick escape and leaving me to giggle. 

'Are you alright babe?' i heard the brunette say as she towel dried her hair. 

She looked so incredibly amazingly beautifully hot. Words couldn't explain the sight that was standing in front of me. Her now damp limp curls were over one shoulder and her smile made my heart melt. Her body was still dripping and glistening in the natural sunlight. 

'You scared me.' I pouted as I trudged over and snaked my arms around her waist. 

'What do you mean?' 

'You weren't next to me when I woke up.' 

'But you looked so cute and peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you.' Her smile was so genuinely wide, my body started to weaken. 

Then she kissed me. Every time our lips met, it always felt like the first. Her lips were always so soft and gentle, I was always left wanting more. 

'If Frankie and Mollie let me, can I take you out tonight?' I shuffled my feet nervously. 'I mean, it's okay if you're busy or you don't want to or...' 

'You want to take me out on a date?' The beauty smirked leaving me to just nod in suspense. 'Well you'll have to go ask mummy and mummy won't you?' Vanessa winked, leaving me to turn away and sulk.

Slumping down on the bed, scowling at Vanessa's latest wind up, I was shell shocked with what came next. The beautiful brunette swayed herself seductively to my bedroom door, locking it shut, before getting close to me and dropping her towel to leave me staring at a completely naked Vanessa for the very first time. I could feel myself getting worked up by every passing second.

'But, if they let you... then I'd be happy for you to take me on a date.' Vanessa purred almost erotically in my ear. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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