Chapter 8

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Rummaging through my suitcase, I was trying to find myself something suitable to wear, something that looked expensive. After emptying the whole contents of my vintage blue worn-out suitcase, I realised I only had clothes with the typical 'Primark stamp' all over it. I sat on the end of my bed and let out a stressful sigh. I was never going to win the little brunette's heart over.

I heard lots of screaming and giggling from downstairs and I knew that Una, Rochelle and Vanessa had arrived. I had bubbles in my stomach as my nerves grew. What if none of them liked me? What if the three girls made Frankie and Mollie see sense about me and put my back into the shit pit I was first placed by my mother?

After ten minutes of the questions running through my head, I realised that if I didn't get changed and show my face sooner or later, then Mollie or Frankie would come and wonder why. I pulled out two pairs of my leggings and started climbing into them. I had to wear two pairs because they were that thin, the girls would be able to see EVERYTHING in just one pair. I then lifted a cotton tee over my head, the 'Coca-Cola' logo had faded with age.

I dragged my feet along the floor as I took myself to the full length mirror that was pinned to wall in my new stylish walk-in wardrobe. Seeing my reflection made me want to sob. I was here in this mansion about to sit with my five idols and I looked like an absolute tramp! What was I even doing?

I took myself downstairs and was en-route to the kitchen when I heard tiny footsteps behind me.

'Hiya honey.'

'Err, hi Mollie...' I hesitated.

'What you doing?' She smiled politely.

'I I was ju-just about to get a drink. I should have asked you first, sorry.' I started to get embarassed whilst staring at my torn socks.

'Nonesence! You live here silly. Come on, I'll give you a little tour of the kitchen and then we will go to the film room.'

'Woah you have a film room?!' I gasped in utter shock.

The pretty blonde started to chuckle in pure amusement.

After the tour of what was in each cupboard, Mollie insisted I sat at the breakfast bar while she made me a drink. She reached high for a posh looking pint glass and opened the tall silver american-style fridge to retrieve a freezing cold can of Coca-Cola.

'Your top tells me you're a fan of this stuff... want ice?'

I nodded slightly as she closed the heavy fridge door and put my glass in a slot on the door, before pressing a button for the ice to clunk in the bottom of the patterned glass.

'Moll... I'm sorry.' I sighed.

'What are you apologising for honey?' The blonde turned on her heels and faced me with a sympathetic look painted onto her face.

'I should never have talked to you like I did. You've helped me so much already. I'm really sorry.' I started to look sad.

Mollie placed the glass of ice and the un-opened can of coke on the bar in front of me before spinning my stool around for her to pat my knee slightly.

'Lucy... I know all this is hard on you... I understand. Please don't apologise. Come on, let's go to the others.'

Mollie placed her right arm across my shoulder as I obliged with a friendly smile. I stood up straight whilst grabbing hold of my glass and my can of coke, and walked down the corridor that the pretty blonde was guiding me down.

Then we stopped at a modern wooden pine wood style door. And then it clicked. On the other side of that door was going to be my only celebrity crush, Vanessa White.

‘Are you ready for this Lucy?’ I heard Mollie whisper.

‘Yeah.. I mean no.. I mean.. Do I look okay?’

I knew that in reality, my cheap clothes were not a scratch on what I could imagine the other girls wearing. Maybe they would think I was an orphan that couldn’t afford a thing. Or maybe they would think I’m a tramp who lived on the streets and that’s why Mollie and Frankie took me in because they felt sorry for me.

With all those thoughts in my head, I added ‘I know I’m wearing Primark and it’s not something you guys would ever dream of wearing but I don’t want to make a bad impression on Una, Rochelle and Vanessa.’

Mollie gave out a light chuckle. ‘I’m so glad they came to see you tonight. You need to get to know these girls. They’re just like us, they won’t judge you.’

‘You mean they came here tonight to just meet me?’


The pretty little blonde pushed down on the handle and opened the door to reveal me to the three new girls. I don’t know whether I was in shock that I was in the same room as The Saturdays or the fact I was stood in my very own mini cinema room.

The room was done out in a black carpet, black seats and a humongous cinema screen. The carpet looked soft and the seats were two seater leather sofas, and there was three of them lined in a row. Four of the seats were already taken in the middle, leaving the two end seats vacant. The order went Frankie, Vanessa, Rochelle and then Una.

I was in complete and utter shock.

‘Hey hun, are you feeling a little better after your nap?’ I heard the short haired woman softly say.

I couldn’t speak. I knew that even if I opened my mouth to try that still nothing would come out. I didn’t want to be rude so I just nodded anxiously.

Frankie gave out a little laugh. ‘Lucy, this is Vanessa, Rochelle and Una. Girls, this is Luce. Mine and Mollie’s daughter. Lucy is a massive fan of us, especially you Vanessa.’ The brunette then winked.

‘Frankie!!’ I groaned as my face reddened leaving all of the girls to laugh at my expense. 

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