Chapter 23

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After we had all finished our five course meal, we were all in a really good mood. Drinks were flowing amongst the girls and I felt like an idiot sipping on my orange juice like a baby.

'Frankie please can I have an alcoholic drink? I look like a right tit!' I whinged, earning a laugh from Una.

'You can have an alcopop. And mind your language Lucy.'

'Are you serious? You might as well sit me down with a lemonade.'

'You can have an alcopop. Take it or leave it!' Mollie spoke sternly, leaving me to slump back in my chair and fold my arms.

'Fine.' I reluctantly agreed rolling my eyes.

'Leave it to me. I'll buy this one for her.' Vanessa winked as she stroked my leg once more, leaving me to jump and blush at the same time.

When Vanessa had left the table, Rochelle giggled 'She's buying you drinks. Next it will be a date!'

'Then marriage!' Una laughed nudging Rochelle who was also laughing but both Mollie and Frankie didn't find it funny. Neither did I to be fair. I thought they were being serious for a second.

Vanessa had returned to the table with a Bacardi Breezer and a glass of what looked like coke. As she sat down, she whispered in my ear, trying not to make it obvious. 'It's vodka and coke.'

Instantly, my frown turned into a huge smile.

'Would you like to share that with the group Vanessa?' Rochelle let out another loud chuckle, leaving the pair of us staring around the room awkwardly.

'I-I just told her she didn't have to worry about the price.' The hot brunette stuttered.

Another two hours had passed and I was slowly feeling myself getting drunk with the 'cokes' that Vanessa was buying me. Obviously I had to pretend that I was completely sober. Not only to save my skin but to save Vanessa's too.

'I think I need to get some fresh air, I'm way too hot.' I slurred as I tried to stand but failed as I fell back onto the chair.  

'Vanessa, have you been supplying her with alcohol?' Mollie glared at the curvy brunette and everyone fell about laughing.

Thank god. They weren't annoyed. In fact, they were all finding it funny at how drunk I actually was and how much I was trying to act sober.

'I need a wee! I'm gunna wee! If someone doesn't get me to a toilet now, I'm gunna wee everywhere!'

And with that, Rochelle stood up, still finding it hilarious at how I couldn't even speak. 'Come on, I'll take you, you piss head.'

Coming back from the toilets, I saw Vanessa stood up at the table, resting her arm on my chair, her head on a tilt and an adoring smile, lighting up the room. 'I'm gonna take you for that bit of fresh air you wanted now.'

'You don't have to. I can go on my own, it's fine.'

'You can barely walk Lucy.'

'Honestly, I'll just take my heels off and I can walk fine.' I attempted to take off my shoes but I was still swaying in every possible direction.

Vanessa wasn't having any of it. 'Come on. Let me escort you out.' 

'FOR FUCK SAKE, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU OBSESSIVE FREAK!' I screamed down the phone to Scarlet before ending the call and throwing my phone against the gravel making in smash into pieces.

Me and Vanessa were just outside the restaurant, having a random conversation about anything and everything when Scarlet had called begging me back. I had had enough of her bothering me every second of the day, and with all the alcohol in my system, I knew that I was about to flip and I did.

'Woah! What the hell babe!' Vanessa had gasped in shock before pinning my arms down so I couldn't do anymore damage.

'She's doing my head in.'

'Who is? Scarlet?'

All I could do was nod before tears started to spill out of my eyes. 'I used to be so happy and care-free. I know I was lonely. I know I had no friends and no family but I was alright, you know. I was happy. I'm not saying that Frankie and Mollie haven't made me whole again, because believe me, I've never wanted anything more than this but Scarlet, she won't let me be happy. She won't let me start my new life. I don't want her. I want you.'

I blubbered so hard into my hands, knowing now that Vanessa couldn't or shouldn't fancy me now my expensive mascara was running down my red cheeks.

Vanessa had let go of my arms and swept me into a tight hug. 'Shh babe, it's okay. You get a new phone tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I'll go to the police with you and we will get her out your life once and for all.'

'Why are you doing this Vanessa? You should be staying away from me. I'm trouble. Everywhere I go, I just cause trouble.'

'Don't be silly. I'm doing it because I really like you and even if I didn't feel so strongly for you, I'd still help you because you're my best friend's daughter.'

The pair of us stared at each other whilst we digested what Vanessa had just said and we both giggled in sync.

'That sounds weird. Let me not say that again, please.'

'You want to date your best friend's daughter!' I stuck my tongue out giggling.

'Tut. Come on; let's go in the back of Moll's car. She gave me her keys in case you were too drunk to stand.'

'I'm not even drunk!'

'You are and it's not up for discussion so button it and get in the car.'

Both me and Vanessa were both laid out across the back seat of Mollie's car, it was cramped but it made it kind of cute. I was laid on top of Vanessa with my head on her beating heart. Her arms were wrapped so tightly around me and it made me feel so safe and wanted. For once in my life, I felt loved.

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