Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning with a knock at the door. But before I could say ‘Come in’ or ‘Wait a minute’ I heard the door swing open.

Mollie entered the room and glided across the room towards the blinds to open them. ‘Good morning Lucy!’

I rubbed my eyes ferociously before I squinted towards the happy blonde. ‘Jesus Christ Mu- I mean Mollie... What time is it?’

‘Half past eight.’ Mollie chirped before she spun on her heels. But as she turned, she was shocked to see the sight before her. Her eyes narrowed as she added. ‘What the hell is this Lucy?!’

I didn’t know what Mollie was on about until I looked to the left of me and saw a very sleepy Vanessa waking up next to me. I took one look at her as she took one look at me and both of us screamed out loud before zipping our mouths shut and staring in Mollie’s direction.

‘It’s not what it looks like Mollie, honest. I didn’t know she came back in here.’ I pleaded my case.

‘How do you not know when someone is in your bed?’ The blonde’s arms rested across her chest as she raised an eyebrow looking for an answer.

Vanessa propped herself up from out of bed and scrambled for her clothes that she had worn the night before. ‘I best just go get ready.’

‘Yeah you do that!’ I shouted after her. ‘You just wimp out and let me deal with all this!’

Vanessa gave out an awkward giggle before leaving the room.

‘What did you two get up to last night?’ Mollie started questioning.

‘Exactly what we had planned right in front of you earlier last night. We watched Little Mermaid, had hot chocolate and when Vanessa got tired she went to bed. I woke up just as shocked as you were. I did not know she was in my bed. I have never been fortunate to have such a comfy bed so as soon as my head hit that pillow; I was out like a light.’

‘I didn’t really like what you had planned because I knew this was going to happen. I know exactly what happens when two people watch a film and your giggling last night on the way up the stairs woke me up!’ Mollie started to raise her voice.

I started to stagger out of my bed. ‘Just give it a rest will you? All you have done since you come here is nag me not to get in bed with your band mate. You were supposed to make me happy!’

‘Whoa, now what’s going on here?!’ When I peered towards the door, I saw that Frankie must have heard what was going on.

‘I found Lucy in bed with a certain Vanessa White about ten minutes ago.’ Mollie showed an annoyed look upon her face.

‘But were we doing anything?! No!! We weren’t! I didn’t know she had crept in! So instead of branding me a liar, why don’t you speak to her?!’ I screamed as I stormed over to my en-suite.

I heard Frankie whisper something to Mollie but I couldn’t exactly hear what was said.

‘Instead of playing Chinese whispers, why don’t you just get out of my room and go speak somewhere else!’ I screamed again as I slammed the bathroom door shut behind me.

I heard the couple leave my room squabbling as I sunk my body down the back of the door. I had tears streaming down my face. I know people have bigger problems but this one girl I wanted to be with, I just wasn’t allowed to have. One parent agrees, the other disagrees. What the hell was I supposed to do?

An hour and a half had passed, I had got myself showered and dressed and started to apply my cheap make-up. I shoved my hair up in a ponytail like always because I couldn’t even afford hair straighteners.

I wasn’t going to give Mollie and Frankie the satisfaction to have a go at me in front of the other girls so once I was ready, I started to boot up my brand new laptop.

Then my phone vibrated:

Scar: ‘Babe we need to talk! I’m so sorry about kicking off at you last night; I accused you of shit things. I’ve slept on it and I just need you :’( xxxxx’

I knew Scarlet very well and I know that she isn’t the type to apologise even when she did do things wrong.

I hesitated before replying bluntly.

Me: ‘It’s okay xxxxx’

A few seconds later, I got another reply.

Scar: ‘Please don’t be like this baby, I said I’m sorry. Is there not anyway I can call you or you can call me? Xxxxx’

Me: ‘I have no minutes. Xxxxx’

Then I remembered, I can install Skype and talk to Scarlet that way as she had a state of the art laptop bought for her by her rich father. But did I really want calls popping up every ten minutes from her? She was very clingy and right now I couldn’t be doing with it. Then I got another text.

Scar: Me neither. I used all my minutes calling up Sophie last night ranting and raving about us :/ now I wish I hadn’t xxxxx’

Me: ‘I’ll install Skype xxxxx’

After I had got Skype up and loaded and finally sussed out how to call someone, I waited for Skype to connect to Scar.

‘Hey gorgeous... wow you look good today.’ The beautiful red head smiled.

Scarlet’s hair was down and straight. She had thick eye make-up on with winged eyeliner. It was obvious the hot teen had just topped up her tan and from what I could see, she was wearing a denim waistcoat that her boobs were popping out of. She looked ridiculously hot.

‘Thanks, so do you.’ I mumbled.

‘Aw baby. Don’t be mad at me please.’ Scar pouted.

‘I’m not...’

‘You so are.’

‘I’m not.’

Scar rolled her eyes at me before looking a lot more serious. ‘We’re still together right?’

‘Yeah, I just... I’ve got a lot on right now so I’m not going to be all hunky dory all the time.’

‘I understand sexy.’ Scar winked before adding. ‘I miss you.’

‘I miss you too.’

‘Cheer up loser?’

‘I’m trying.’ I gave her a slight smirk.

‘I know what will make you happy!’ She gave the naughty look.


Scar didn’t answer but she started to unbutton her waistcoat before flinging it off her arms and unclasping her red lacy bra. She was sat there topless caressing her own boobs. ‘This should cheer you up. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.’ She purred before getting herself dressed again.

I started beaming like a little child on Christmas day.

‘Now go get some breakfast baby and I’ll Skype you later okay?’

‘Okay babe.’

‘I love you...’She stuttered.

‘Love you too.’

Then the call disconnected.

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