Chapter 2

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Standing around the corner from Shirley's office, I heard the sound of people talking but it was muffled. I looked around to see if there was a mischevious Scarlet about but I saw no-one. Then I heard footsteps running down the stairs. 

'Hiya moron! what ya doing?' Scarlet was standing in front of me attractive as ever, I could smell her Beyonce perfume from a mile. 

'Errm I'm just getting a drink.' I lied.

'Oh alright then... can you smell me? Do I smell alright?' Scarlet scooched up to me and put her neck close to my nose. 

'You really didn't need to do that, I could smell you from up the stairs.'

'Well maybe I wanted to.' Her bottom lip tucked into her teeth.

'Whatever loser!'

She was a flirt and she knew it. But why was she flirting with me? We're both females. Probably just another wind up so I shrugged it off.

The red head pulled her leather jacket on and turned on her heels.

'Where you going?' I shouted after her.

'On a date. I mean who wouldn't wanna date me?!' Then she left.

After a few moments, I had realised what the hell I was doing here. How could I forget?! Looking around again, really thinking it was a wind up until I remember Scarlet saying we were the only ones in. 

The place was eery and cold when there was only one person in. The building echoed when you spoke because it wasn't used to being so silent.

I took a deep breath before turning the corner to look in the shabby window pane of the door. I saw Shirley speaking with her over exaggerated hand language. She was skinny and frail and had grey, messy, shoulder length hair. Her height was only 5'1 and she looked like she had a bit of a hunchback and a limp when she walked. Her reading glasses were perched on the end of her pointed nose as she was looking down at a few of our files.

Then I saw them.

Mollie King and Frankie Sandford. WOW!

Mollie looked so pretty in person. Her straight white blonde hair, her dazzling smile and glistening green eyes. Listening intently to what the old bag was saying. From what I could see, Mollie was wearing skinny blue jeans, a black vest top, a cream blazer and what looked like a pair of Uggs. 

Frankie looked just as amazing. her short chocolate brown hair swept across her face, her innocent smile and her warm brown eyes lit up the room. She was wearing a pair of wet look leggings, a white vest top and a dark green camo jacket and a pair of white heels. 

They were both nodding thier heads and smiling politely at Shirley as she was going on about 'Scarlet this and Scarlet that...' Frankie's legs were crossed over and Mollie had her right hand on Frankie's knee, protectively. My heart melted. They looked so cute and happy together.

I tried to listen carefully. Then I heard Shirley mention my name. 'Right so that's all the kids here apart from Lucy. There's no point in going into that. You're stars you don't need... her.'

Frankie and Mollie looked at eachother puzzled before Mollie spoke for the first time. 

'What's wrong with Lucy?'

'She's just not worth your time.'

At this point Mollie started to look a bit frustrated. 'I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude but me and Frankie came here to talk about all the teens. Not just the ones you think we are interested in.'

The grey haired woman removed her glasses from her face. 'Okay ladies well.. Lucy is rude arrogant, disrespecful, scives off school and rebels against every rule we ever make. Think of it this way, you are both popstars. You can't have that ruling your life. You need someone respectful and well behaved.' 

Was that legal?! Could she say such things about me?! No wonder I never got a look in when couples came through the door. I was so angry. I could feel my palms developing pools of sweat because I was clenching my fists so hard. I couldn't take it any more. I burst through the door. 

'No wonder I never get anywhere!' I screamed after banging the door against the wall, making Frankie jump.

'Lucy! What the hell do you think you're doing? This is a private meeting!' 

'Why tell them I can't behave? Why do you always put me down?! If you hate me so much, why don't you feed them a bunch lies just to get rid of me, that would hurt me less! I only walked by for a drink and I heard you slagging me off! If it's so bloody private then don't speak loud enough for me to hear!' 

Shirley stood up from her desk, putting her fists on the table, hoping her presence would intimidate me. But it didn't. 

'LEAVE NOW!' I heard her bellow.

Frankie then stood up and left Mollie confused. 

'Hey Lucy. It's nice to meet you, I'm Frankie and I'm looking to adopt with my girlfriend Mollie. How do you feel about being adopted?' She approached me nervously.

By this time, I had tears in my eyes and she could see I was hurt. 'I dunno... I've never been lucky enough to have a meeting with anyone. No hope for me I guess. Like the cow said, I'm no good for you.' 

I turned and left the office door, slamming it shut. 

Sat on my bed crying that Shirley had messed things up for me once again, I heard a little tap on my door.

'Go away!' I shouted.

'Are you sure?' I heard an unfamiliar voice. 

I didn't know the sound that well but I knew it wasn't anyone pissing me off. 'Wait! Who is it?' 

'It's Frankie.'

I rolled my eyes. Knowing this probably wasn't going to be good. 'Come in.' 

I heard the door squeak and a pretty young lady scooched in and closed the door. 

'Aww Lucy. Don't cry. Me and Mollie didn't listen to a word Shirley said.' She ran to sit beside me the best she could in her heels and put her arm around me, cuddling me into her. 'It's okay Luce, let it out.' She whispered as I was crying hysterically by this point. 

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