Chapter 6

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A few hours had passed in the black Mercedes. Frankie and Mollie called a driver over so they could 'watch over me' in the back. I was wedged in the middle of the adorable couple and I could feel them glancing at me and then giving looks at each other, neither of them daring to speak.

'I can't believe this is happening...' I gulped loudly.

'Aw. Well you better believe it, we're gunna have so much fun!' Mollie squealed with a little excitement.

'I think I'd see you more of sisters then my parents because of how young you are.'

Frankie giggled. 'Aw bless you Lucy but we are going to be strict, you know that.' She then winked whilst gently squeezing my knee again.

I smiled freely for once. I felt relieved that all my problems were history and I felt even more relieved that Frankie and Mollie didn't listen to a word Shirley said and they were giving me a fresh start. After a few moments of pure silence, I felt my phone buzz. I scrambled for my jean pocket, fidgeting and shuffling in a frantic frenzy to try and free my phone. Both Mollie and Frankie were giggling as I was accidentally pushing them around. Finally, my phone was in my hand and there was a text from Scar waiting. 

Scar: I miss you already :( :( there's already a new girl moved in your room. She thinks she's queen bee! xxx

My already free smile was now becoming priceless. This girl really did want me and I never knew it was ever going to be like this.

'Oooooh is that your girlfriend?' Mollie teased.

'Shut up...' I rolled my eyes sarcastically until the pretty blonde starting tickling and poking at my sides till I started to laugh hysterically. 

'So it is then?' Frankie then added. 'What's her name? Is it who you were in the summer house with?'

'Geez! One question at a time. Yes, Scarlet and yes.' 

'That was Scarlet?!' Mollie then gasped. 'I didn't think you would go for the over confident ones if you get what I mean?'

'Yeah, I know what you mean. Neither did I bu-'

'How long have you been with her?' Frankie shuffled inwards so she was facing more my direction.

'Jesus christ! Is this what my life is going to consist of from now on? It's not the weakest link ya know.' I giggled reassuringly to let them know that this was not my attitude side. 'I've been with her for about three hours now.'

'AWW YOUNG LOVE!' The couple sang together in a beautiful harmonic but playful tune. 

Looking down at my phone, I pressed reply, thinking about what to reply back. 

Me:  I miss you too babe :( It's really weird knowing I'm gunna be living somewhere without you! This place is further than we thought, I'm still travelling. And hahaha, queen bee... has she taken your crown? ;) xxx'

My phone went off almost instantly, she was waiting on my reply!

Scar: I know, we never even got cuddles in bed or anything! Aw man... how am I ever gunna get to see you?! And you are such a moron Luce!! xxx

Me: We will sort everything out, we have our whole future ahead of us for cuddles in bed :) :-* Again with the name calling?! ;) Some things will never change! xxx

Suddenly, the car grinded to a halt outside of a beautiful mansion. 'There you go ladies. Enjoy the rest of your day.'

'Thanks Phil!' The blonde chirped as we got out the car. 

The house was a modern bricked house, I could see a swimming pool along the side and two glass balconies further up the building. In the drive way was a traditional blue little car and a huge black Range Rover. I knew who's car was who's just by glancing. 

'This is your new home Lucy, what do you think?' The pretty brunette sighed with a slight smile and rested her hand around my shoulders

'Woah! You've got to be kidding me?!'  I gulped in awe. 'Look at this place. It's mad!' 

'Come on, let's give you a little tour before the rest of the girls come. We're going to be having a film night so we can introduce you to the rest of the band. After all, you'll be seeing a lot of them.' Mollie smiled cheekily.

'Even Vanessa? Vanessa's coming right?!' I gasped almost desperately.

Frankie started laughing hysterically while Mollie was in utter confusion.

'Yes, Vanessa's coming tonight.' Frankie winked.

'What you waiting for then? I need to get ready!' I beamed.

We had to pass the garage with the two cars parked up to get to the front door, the girls had asked me which one I liked best. Obviously I picked the Range Rover which made Frankie jump up with joy and causing Molllie to pout in defeat. 

Finally, after the anticipation of wondering what my new house was going to be like, I took a step into the modern mansion. Inside the walls were painted white with one wall a dark plum colour. A large expensive-looking glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The hallway was spacious and the floor was an oak wood-finish laminate with a large fluffy rug that matched the dark purple wall. The stairs were also wooden-finish to match the floors but the handrail was a white metal pole and the walls of the bannister was glass. These stairs were placed to the right of the hallway and on the left side was a passageway to get to the bottom half of the house. 

'This is NOT what I imagined it to be!' I gulped.

'What did you imagine it to be like Luce?' Mollie questioned. 

'Just not this amazing!' 

'Well why don't we show you to your room so you can get ready for the other girls coming, then we will show you the film room and the kitchen.' Mollie smiled.

All I could do at this point was nod. 

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