Chapter 3

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After I had finished crying, I realised that Frankie was the only person I had ever cried in front of. I was an insecure person and was scared that people wouldn't think I was brave if I ever cried in front of someone. That maybe they would judge me for breaking down.

A few moments of silence had passed before I came back to reality. Frankie Sandford was in my shithole of a bedroom hugging me tight.

'I got so angry I kinda forgotten to be starstruck...' I gushed as I wiped my tears and tried to fight the warm grasp that Frankie was holding me in.

'Shall I take offence?' Frankie winked and held me back close to her, in hope she could finally make me smile. And then I knew. That is what I needed. What I've not had. I know it sounds silly but those seconds of Frankie been there made me feel like she and Mollie could help me. It all felt right.

'I've looked up to you for so long Frankie, you'd never know how much you've helped me. The way you fight through your depression and help your fans in need of it. I need your help Frankie, don't turn your back on me and adopt any of the other idiots in here. I promise I won't be bad. I'll never cause you any trouble. I know you and Mollie are busy. Please?'

Frankie pushed a pretty natural smile before wiping a tear from my face. 'I never said you were bad. You're not bad... Okay?'

I shrugged my shoulders before Frankie raised her eyebrow in slight annoyance, then changed my shrug to a slight nod of the head. 

'What you listening to on your phone?'

'Ah nothing really.' I reddened and quickly hid the mobile in my hoodie pocket.

After a few moments of Frankie tickling me and making me laugh, she got hold of the phone and pressed play. When she realised that she was singing on the other end of the earphone wire, she tilted her head and smiled.

'You like The Saturdays then?'

I sat up right on the end of the bed, turning away from Frankie, I shrugged my shoulders for the second time.

'If you're not gunna tell me, I'll have to find out by searching your music?' Frankie teased.

'No! No, You can't!' I shouted as I ran over to where Frankie was sitting and wrestled back the phone. If she saw the sixty seven illegal downloaded tracks from The Saturdays, she would think I'm a freak and definately not adopt me.

'Why not?' The brunette huffed before taking it back out of my hand, knocking the buttons till it was on the homescreen and revealing a picture of Vanessa. 

'Ooooh someone's got a crush on Vanessa?!' 

I rolled my eyes, knowing I couldn't let this drop.

'So what do you like about her?' 

'She's fit.' I grumbled quietly, making the brunette laugh so hard, she cried. 

A few minutes had passed before Frankie squeezed my leg reassuringly and whispered 'I want to help you Lucy. I want to take you.'


What the hell was I hearing? This was a really cruel dream surely! 

'Let me talk to Mollie and Shirley. Mollie said it was up to me what I do but I have to discuss my reasonings with her.' 

My smile was bigger than... Well I don't know what. I was finally getting out of this shithole, to be rushed away to London, live with the most adorable couple ever in a huge mansion with three dogs and meet my celebrity crush! What the hell was going on?!

'Come down with me?' Frankie smiled innocently knowing that what she was doing was a big risk but knew it was the right thing and she wouldn't regret doing it. Frankie Sandford could be my mum.

'I'm gunna go sit in the summer house.' I mumbled as Frankie reached for the office door and then put her hand down by her side again when she heard that I had spoken.

'Why Luce?' She whispered with her head on a tilt again.

'I can't bare her saying bad things about me again. It's best if I don't hear, then I don't know do I?' 

Frankie nodded her head understanding what I was saying. The first person to ever care about how I felt or understand the words I was speaking.  

'That's fine chick, I get it. I honestly do. I won't be long. You just go relax.' I felt her warm hands pat my left shoulder before I turned towards the back door. 

Walking from the back door to the summer house, I had noticed it had poured it down with rain. That's what I hated about England. The fact it could be hot weather for months but you have just one rainy day that spoils your whole summer.

Slodging my way through the mud and entering the summer house, I was thinking about all that had gone on. I was drained, exhausted, happy but hurt. All these emotions were really playing at me. Plonking myself down on a tatty beanbag, I had rested my head back and closed my eyes shut.

'Lucy what are you doing in here?' 

When I looked up, Scarlet was stood in the doorway of the summer house, drenched like a drowned rat. 

'What are you doing back so early? Thought you had a hot date to go on?' I laughed.

'I got stood up you idiot. I look like a fucking moron, I'm soaked and I'm pissed off!' 

'Well he's a fool, whoever he is.' I muttered. 

'Give it a rest Lucy, I've had a shit day. For once can ya just stop being a prick?!' 

I didn't say anything nasty. I said he was a fool!' I rolled my head down to the floor as I didn't want to make eye contact, knowing Scarlet was the very first person I had paid a compliment to. 

Scarlet smiled slighly. 'You're such a dyke.' She started shrugging her leather jacket off her shoulders and threw it on an old sofa at the other side of the summer house. 'I'm drenched and everything.'

'You look even hotter, wet.' I gulped. Still looking at the floor. 

A few moments later, the stunning redhead was straddled over my legs with her face milimetres away from mine. Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck causing me to shiver slightly 'You're hot, no matter what you look like...'

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