2- Proving my Worth

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All the boys were shocked, to see the new development in the team. They never thought to see the rude girl interrupting their practice to be wearing a Seido jersey, watching the first and second string practice like a hawk. Some were bothered by it more then others. How did a girl, who had just entered the first year of Seido, already have the position to watch over the core players of the team?

Kyoko POV

I was thoroughly impressed with the team, there are only minor improvements needed here and there to make the team a main contender for nationals. Most of the boys, had kept taking looks at me, probably wondering what I was doing. Its funny to see all their bewildered faces.

Practice has ended around 5 minutes earlier, on request of the coach calling all the people to the field, like at the start. All of the players looked wary, I guess Coach didn't normally speak to the players in this fashion, twice within one practice session.

"As you all have seen, we have a new member who will be helping out the first string players. Go on introduce yourself." Coach stated, patting me on the bat. I'm really not good in these situations...

"Urm hello, my names Kyoko Akashi, nice to meet you." I said in a casual tone, seeing some of the older guys become irked with the lack of respect. There were murmurs throughout the field, until Coach silenced them all.

"I see you have your doubts, voice your complaints here and now if you have anything to say." Such a strict tone, I could tell Coach had all these players in line.

"Is she really able to even help to first string?" A guy in the middle of the pack yelled. Mh, a second string guy with an attitude.

I let out a chuckle, and held on to my side trying to stop the pain of laughing.

"Do you really have time to question my abilities, second string player?" As soon as the condescending tone left my mouth, most of the players now had a scowl and the rest just looked amused. "If you have time to do that, you should have time to get better, no? So what do you want me to do? To prove my worth, so to speak." I giggled, covering my mouth with me hand.
"What position do you play?" A firm voice asked, making me look up. He was definitely on the first string. Probably the captain as well. He gave off that strong, reliable aura.
"Clean-up." I heard people snicker, I guess they are doubting me. Doesn't surprise me, I've had it all my life, being a female baseball player. "Okay, get a pitcher, if you strike me out I leave you all in control in what happens to me. That's if you can." I snicker walking to the dug out to grab a bat and helmet, placing it on my head.
All I need is one hit. My last at bat in high school, I better make it count.
"Coach are we really doing this?" The advisor stood next to him looking quite taken back by the whole ordeal.
"I left Kyoko in charge of the first string, it's not my place to object. Tanba, Kawakami, decide who's pitching."
"I'll catch." Miyuki piped up walking next to me as I made my way to the plate. "What a way to join the team, I don't see you getting along with many of the players."
"That's not my plan, if I have to make myself hated to make the players shine, I will gladly do so." I replied in a monotone voice while warming up my arm. This seemed to catch Miyuki off guard, and he laughed once again.
"Were quite similar you and I." I ignored Miyuki, I don't know if that is true or not, yet it wasn't the time to thinking pointless things.
I had finished warming up my arm and the chosen pitcher walked up on the mound. The Ace huh? Well I wouldn't expect anyone else.
"Okay Tanba, one throw to warm up." Miyuki yelled. The pitch was thrown and it looked good, not his true potential, but good enough to make me know I have to try my best.
You better be watching, Aniki.
"Here we go, hope your ready, Kyoko." I didn't like the way he said my name, made me feel a bit sick in all honestly. He really doesn't expect me to hit, how cute.
With that, Tanba threw a straight a little too left. I didn't swing though, I could tell it wasn't a strike.
"Good speed Tanba." Miyuki yelled, throwing the ball back. Tanba wound up again and threw the ball. My left knee was slightly bent, and I slid it out towards the edge of the batter box, making me tip toe slightly on my right leg, this caught Miyuki's attention, but still believed that the ball would go into his mitt. Before he could catch, my arm swung down and collided with the ball. All my weight shifted to my arms because I leaned into the pitch. My own unique style. The ball went flying across the field, and Miyuki stood up lifting up his face guard to watch the ball. I just grinned, yes Miyuki, it's going to be a homerun.
I felt the pain in my arm, but the satisfaction was much more important right now, I finally got to show bro my new form and power. All of the players just watched the ball with their eyes wide with shock.
"So, did I pass?" I said loudly, none of the boys being able to reply. Tanba looked pretty crushed, I walked over to him while he was still looking down. "That was a great pitch, it you had just stepped a little wider and threw the ball a bit more with just your fingertips, I would have been struck out for sure." With this, Tanba looked at me wide eyed and I just smiled back, now walking to Coach.
"Well there's your answer, all players head to dinner. Practice is over for today." All Seido members now left and I was just left with Coach.
"So what did you think? I've been wanting to show you for years now." I asked looking up to see him wearing a small smile.
"You have turned into a fine player, Kyoko. I'm proud." He replied ruffling my hair. "Now come on, look around all the facilities first and then go eat, your part of Seido now."
"YES Coach!" I saluted, followed by another giggle. Walking off I roamed around all, becoming more familiar with the surroundings. I felt quite down, I wish I could have played seriously and trained here. My goal is now to make sure Kataoka gets to nationals but it breaks my heart knowing I can't play apart of the journey on the field. My job is to support from the sidelines now.
"Kyo-chan, you're pretty good." I heard a familiar voice and turned to see the catcher.
"Surprised, Miyuki?" He called me 'Kyo-chan' seriously?
"No honorifics? I am a senpai you know." He stated now leaning against the vending machine.
"Pff, senpai? Keep thinking that." I laughed, this guy does have a twisted personality, I guess we are a bit similar. "Anyway, I'm off. See you around."
"Wait, I can't let someone as cute as you walk on your own, can I?" This guy... honestly I doubt he has any friends.
"Every time I receive a comment like that, means 10 laps around the field tomorrow, understood?" I smirked seeing his eyes widen. Miyuki just stood silent and gave a small nod, but still walked next to me.
When I reached the dug out to grab my bag, I saw a single boy running the outskirts of the field pulling two tires.
"Who's that?" I questioned making Miyuki look towards the player.
"His names Sawamura, he was tardy on the first day and got told to run, so he hasn't practiced with anyone of us yet, just ran."
Looking at the boy, I smiled again. "Sounds familiar. Anyway I'm leaving now. Bye." I left Miyuki and walked out of the school. Sawamura huh? Interesting.
-Time Skip-
It was now the second day and I was sat in Maths, bored out of my brain. It didn't help that I knew all of this work. While I was recovering, my parents forced me to study Maths and English. They were always pushy when it came to academics. I had to speak English as they would always be speaking it over the phone, they spoke it more then Japanese so I guess they want me to become fluent in it as well.
"Is my lesson that boring Kyoko?" I looked up seeing the teacher shooting me annoying glances.
"I already know how to do this, so kind of." This nonchalant answer did suit well with the teacher.
"You don't speak to a teacher like that, I think it's best if you go speak with the principal, go now."' He pointed to the door, and I just left. This teacher was annoying anyway he would constantly make errors while writing on the board.
I knocked at the door to see a stocky bald man and a skinny curly haired man sitting at separate desks.
"Yes?" The curly hair man answered.
"I was told to come here by my teacher, he asked me to leave because I told him I already knew what to do. Actually, is there anyway I could be put into advance classes for English and Maths?" I asked, the two men looked quite shocked.
"What's your name again? I will check."
"Kyoko Akashi."
The man typed on the PC, getting my information up.
"It says here you are old enough to be a second year but you were held back? Are you sure you weren't held back for the lack of grades?" This just annoyed me, these men had no tack at all.
"No, I was in rehabilitation for an injury and the school wouldn't except me half way through the year."
"I see, so if you can pass finals for both first year classes there would be no problem moving you up a year." I nodded.
"Thank you."
"Well, I'll sort the papers out now, for now go sit in the room next door. You will take the exams now, is that ok?" I just nodded and walked to the room next door. Advancing a year will really help me out, my parents will get off my back for a little while.
I took both exams and finally finished right before lunch. The vice principal said it would be marked by the end of lunch.
I walked to the cafeteria and brought a melon bread and sat at a table by myself.
"Excuse me, Kyoko-san, can I ask your a few questions?" I looked up to see Tanba.
"Go ahead sit down though." He nodded and sat across from me.
"Well about my pitching, will those minor alterations really help?"
"Yeah." I simply reply eating my bread. "If you do that, and have a solid breaking ball, no doubt you will become much better."
"Well what's this? Tanba, you already working on the new girl?" A loud voice called from the side of us, where we saw a bunch of first stringers were.
"It's not like that Jun."
"Yeah whatever, so new girl, do you know all of us?" He motioned to the others behind him.
"First, I have a name. Please don't call me 'new girl' and I did watch you practicing yesterday, I just don't know your names." This seemed to tick beard-san off.
"No respe-" He didn't get to finish because a hand landed on his shoulder.
"Well we should introduce ourselves, I'm Yuki Tetsuya, captain and this is Isashki Jun." The same guy from yesterday replied, I guess I was right about the captain title.
"Nice to meet you." I slightly bowed my head. And the other introduced themselves.
"I'm Kominato Ryosuke."
"Maskuo Tohru."
"Kuramochi Yoichi, I'm the only second year here all the other guys are third years." I smiled, it was nice to put names to faces.
"Well, I look forward to working with you all, if you need anything from me, always ask. If you need any favours from the coach as well, come to me, he wouldn't be able to say no to me." I laughed and the rest of the guys sat down on the table with Tanba and I.
"Thanks for helping, so are you the Coach's little sister? I didn't know he had one?" Kuramochi asked and all the others agreed.
"Haha, no were not related, I have just known him since I was young and he always acted like an older brother to me."
"It was quite surprising, seeing the coach like that." Yuki stated. The conversation went on, and we were all laughing in no time.
I could already tell, this was a great team with great players.
Lunch had finally came to an end and we said our goodbyes going separate ways. "I'll see you at practice later." With that I walked to the principles office again. Maybe if I can move up a year I can be in Kuramochi's lesson? I hoped so, I seemed to fit in quite well with the players and they were all entertaining to be around.
"So Kyoko, you scored 87 on Maths and 94 on English, you are more then qualified to move to the second year classes just for these lessons." I was glad, but I hope I don't have to introduce myself again. "Follow me I'll show you to your classroom, you will be in here for both lessons."
We reached the classroom 2-B and we entered after a knock. "Hello Sensei, after reviewing her performance, we seem it fit for Kyoko to be in this class for Maths and English." With that the skinny curly hair man left, with all eyes on me.
"Are you a first year?"
"Yeah, technically. Nice to meet you, I'm Kyoko Akashi."
"Well, please feel free to ask me anything. Sit in that desk next to the window." Nodding, I headed towards the empty seat I saw a familiar face. The seat was right in front of Kuramochi, so I gave him a big smile before taking a seat.
"Nice to see you again Kyo-chan." The voice in front of me stated. Oh no, not Miyuki Kazuya.
"I'm not so sure it is." I whispered back because the teacher had already started speaking.
Miyuki stifled a laugh and faced me. "Try not to get too distracted by me sitting in front of you." That's another 10 laps for you.
"Sorry, I think I already am, seeing all the dandruff in you hair." I retorted, now facing the teacher.

She really is something, I really want to get to know her more. If I can tease her on the way that's even better. You don't know what you've gotten yourself into Kyo-chan.

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