17- They Won[END]

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Kyoko POV-

Life was passing by way too fast, as I just sat by and watched everyone else progress except me. Before I knew it the spring tournament had come and gone, meaning Seido had lost and the 3rd years retired. Of course I was at he match, I mean Mei did say I had to present for each one of his games and I was glad for him and so happy he got to go to Nationals, but I couldn't help but feel somewhat empty when I saw the end of the game. In my heart, I still wanted Seido to win. I felt like crap when I couldn't help the team. I guess that just means I still love baseball, and when I realised this, I felt like I could move past what happened this last year.

Even if I didn't want to rejoin the team, I started to go to their matches every so often and when Aniki found out about it, we called each other after the matches I attended, talking about the game, as well as catching up.

It's now the summer tournament and Seido has made their way to the semi-finals. The team they are facing seems to be called Seiko, I don't know much about them accept some talk of there coach being physical towards players? But I don't like to hear gossip which may not even be true. I should be the poster girl of people talking shit about me when they know nothing, as sometimes at school I still hear the murmurs, calling me a slut and so on. Too bad I could not give a damn anymore, I know it's not true so I couldn't care about others opinions about me. Damn I wish I had this outlook when it all went down, maybe I wouldn't of made myself look like a complete psycho after breaking that window.

The game was going quite well, the other team were quite strong, but I have no doubt in my mind that Seido will win, expect for when then the collision happened. The others teams pitcher ran straight forward crashing into Miyuki, acting like he wasn't even there. Shit.

"KAZUYA" I screamed, not realising I had even stood up or grabbed onto the railings screaming the catchers name. A name I haven't said in so long. A person who I have tried not to think about for ages but still creeps into my brain when I see him go past in the halls, or when i'm sitting on the sofa where we had our first make out session.

You wasn't even sure if he would hear you, and even if he did he wouldn't know it was you, but in that moment all Kyoko could think was all of the possible injuries which could happen from such a collision.

He knew who it was. The voice desperately screaming his name. Of course he knew it was Kyoko and that on spurred the catcher on further to make sure he got the next out, even if his body was in way too much pain.  He wouldn't show it, he couldn't if he wanted to. You were here, watching baseball again, watching him. How could he let you down?

So in the next second, the runner was hit by Miyuki's glove which held the ball, making it an out. And from then on basically winning the game. Well he did have to hit a home run after just to show off, but after that slip up the over team really couldn't get a grasp on Seido and they won there ticket to the final.

A smile was on my lips as I left the stadium, the thought crossed my mind to go see the catcher if he was alright, but that probably was not the best idea given the circumstances. You had been ignoring him since the incident, he was most defiantly in pain and probably didn't want to deal with you when he should be celebrating the win. But that was fine. They won.

Is what I thought, so why am I still here? I should just go...but i'm just sitting on one of the benches outside the stadium. Why am I even waiting? He doesn't even know I'm here and even if for some reason he did he would just head straight for bus... 

After a while of just going back and forth in my head if I should leave, I feel someone sit next to me and clear their throat. I slowly look up and of course... he's there.

"Hi..." Miyuki says in a low voice, making things 10 times more awkward.

"Hey..." After a long pause I feel like I should ask, I mean I did kind of wait here for that reason. "So are you ok? With the tackle, you know your body." 

"Already asking about my body?" he chuckles, but before I can stutter a reply he becomes serious again. "Yeah, I'm fine. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little sore but nothing serious." 

"Good" I nod, looking forward, it's too awkward to even meet his eyes, this is the most iv'e spoke to him since I basically told him to remove himself from my life completely. 

"So...you came to the game?" A small glimmer of hope in his voice as he asked, scratching the back of his head. Obviously doubting if he should ask.

"I...I come to them quite regularly...If i'm not busy." 

"That's good, I'm glad you don't hate baseball, I really couldn't forgive myself." 

"Well, good luck in the finals... see you." I stand up and go to walk before I am jolted back as he grabs onto my arm.

"Can't you give me a second chance?" His head is low, his bangs covering his eyes.

"I don't think-" Before I could finish he stands up and he pulls me into his arms, them gently wrapping around my torso.

"Please. You really are, the only one for me."


"Kyo-chan, I really like you. I promise ill protect you, I will never allow you to feel like that again. Even with my big mouth that says the wrong things some times- I might annoy you, piss you off, but I promise to never hurt you again." You feel as if you could cry, yet again but a small smile is all that comes.

"Okay." His grasp around you tightens and his head is buried in you neck. How could I reject him, I mean after all of this time I still have feelings for him and he still fills my thoughts. I just really want to give him a second chance.

Miyuki pulls back and places both of his hands on your cheeks moving in. I do want to give him a second chance, but not that easy.

"Only if you win your next match." I say, stopping his face coming any closer. Question washes over his face before he starts laughing, pulling me into a kiss anyway. His soft lips touched mine and I could already feel the smile which was upon them making the sides of my mouth curl up next to his.

After a few more seconds of the soft but amazing kiss, we pull back and I lightly hit his arm, allowing a pout to form on my lips. "Did you just not listen to what I said."

"Of course I did" Kazuya replies with that shit eating grin on his face. "I'm just claiming my prize earlier as I already know we are going to win, I didn't see the point of waiting, I mean I have been wanting to kiss you again for so long, I couldn't wait one more week."

I stare at the catcher deadpanned for a second, just taking in his confidence and then we break into fits of giggles.

"Okay Kazuya, I'll see you in a week then, when you win the tournament." I wink, turning away walking off. I couldn't wait for Seido to win.

And of course, they won.


Thanks so much to everyone who has read this story, I had this ending planned out ages ago, but I don't like it as much as i originally thought. But i hope you all enjoyed! Thanks again :) -Amy xo

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