Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV

It was a normal stressful day, I walked inside to be greeted with my older sister Alison

"Dads pissing me off" she says I show a small smile, seen I'm stressed. I run a company it's a family company so I have the help of my dad and mother, Alison never really got into the hole family business. She got into fashion, I'm proud of her tho.

"What's he doing?" I ask as a maid comes in the room

"Just about me going into the family business" she says, I roll my eyes at the maid looking at the floor. I never had much time for them, I mean we've brought them. The maid was waiting on a commend, tense the reason she's looking at the floor like the slave she is.

"Don't worry about it I'll talk to him" I say taking my jacket off "again" I add Alison laughs a little, i chuck my jacket at the slave not caring much if she catches it

"Yeah well tell him I've gone out" she says then leaves the house, I look and see the slave putting my jacket on the coat hanger.

"Where's my father?" I ask not showing emotion

"In the office sir" the maid whispers hanging my jacket up in the coat closet, She doesn't seem familiar to me but I don't take notice like I said. I leave the maid and head towards the office, he needs to stop bugging Alison.

Chloe's POV

After hanging Ryan's jacket up I go to the kitchen and see Molly cooking dinner, she's a slave like me.

I know it's crazy but I've always had a crush on Ryan, I know he'd never go for me. His always so cold towards slaves and mean, he probably doesn't even know my name.

I don't know why I like him, I was brought by Ryan's father. Mr mccartan when I was 13, see when slaves have kids they only get to keep them till there 13 then there sold unless the person who owns you says you can keep them. Either way you're a slave, sometimes your lucky if you stay with your family.

I was unlucky, the people who own my parents didn't want to keep me as a slave so I was sold. I haven't seen my family sense, I have an older brother he was kept by the family that owns my parents so he got to stay with mum and dad.

You don't start working till your 13, you are still treated poorly by the rich but you don't have to work till your 13.

"Ryan's home" I say sitting on the bar stool "Alison left" I add, Molly turns to face me, her black hair is in a messy bun, she has a bit of flower on her apron.

"I can't keep track how am I meant to cook dinner when they don't tell us who will be home!" She yells "if I make to much I'm in trouble, if I don't make enough I'm in trouble. I can't win!" She yells/adds. I was about to speak when Ryan and Mr mccartan walked in,

"Problem Molly?" Mr Mccartan asks harshly making me look down in respect,

"N-no sir" she whispers/stutters, by now I know she's looking down

"They don't care we shelter them" Ryan says walking over to the fridge, I don't know why I mean his such an ass yet something in me likes him. His amazing brown eyes that match his medium length brown hair, his so tall competed to my 5.2 self  "or clothe them" he adds grabbing a bottle of water

"Yes well there Slaves what do you expect now back to business" Mr mccartan says, his words hurt me, I care they don't have to give me clothes

"Not in front of them tho" Ryan says, why does he have to be so mean? 

"Back to the office then, Molly if I hear you speck like that there will be punishment" Mr mccartan says then they walk out of the room

"Molly!" I yell

"I didn't think they would hear" she says I sigh, I want my mum.


"What does that mean!" Ryan yells as I'm turning down his bed, he's on the phone to i don't know who. He's pacing back and forth

"I want it done!" He yells as I fold the covers back neatly "get it done" he says harshly then hangs up. I fix his pillow then stand properly and look at the ground, I can't leave the room with out permission. He might need something else

"Asshole" he mutters making me laugh a little on accident, I try to cover it with a cough. I can feel his eyes on me "something funny?" He asks i shake my head, it goes silent so I look up with my eyes.

Ryan's staring at me making me uncomfortable, it's like he was trying to figure out something

"Which one are you?" He asks bluntly, if he doesn't care about my name why ask it

"Chloe sir" I whisper

"Well Chloe your dismissed" he says chucking his phone on the bed, i watch him for a second maybe a bit longer then he likes because he says "that means you go" he says harshly, I nod and leave the room.

I walk down to the basement, it's not a scary basement, it's done like a normal floor, all the slaves sleep down here,

I go over to the chart and see I get shower 2 in 5 minutes, there's 5 shower rooms, you have a certain time when your aloud to shower if you miss it that means you don't shower.

You get one shower a day and your only around 5 minutes, otherwise the water goes cold or sometimes it goes really hot. Let's just say I've learnt to be really fast.

You don't have your own rooms, it's like at a hospital you know how they gave he curtains separating the beds, to make a small room. That's all we have, we all have the ones closed between the beds the only ones open are the ones we use as doors.

I have a small set of draws like everyone else that's up against the curtain blocking me from seeing the next bed, and one bedside table.

I do have a few photos that's just sitting on my draws, but like everyone here I don't have much.

I went into my section and grabbed my shower stuff and pjs, i walked down to the showers and Molly just came out her hair slightly damp

"All yours chicken" she says making me laugh, I walk into the small bathroom and shut the door, I look in the tiny mirror my blonde hair needs washing bad.

I took the quickest shower as I washed my hair quickly before getting out and drying my self, it's not to bad I mean we're supplied with everything we need. Once changed into brown shorts and a black tank top, I walk back to my section and see Matty sitting on my single bed. He stands up and I smile at him as I put my stuff on the draws

"What's up?" I ask

"What's up? Is that i don't know I just wanted to talk" I laugh at his reply, Matty's my age 18 his been here his hole life, his mother helps Molly in the kitchen.

But it's a huge house so it takes a lot of slaves to keep it nice, Matty's father helps keep the huge garden nice and clean. Matty's bed it right next to mine, at 8pm the lights were turned off, that always meant bed. The only time you got to stay up was if the mccartans had a party, or you hadn't finished your chores.

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