Chapter 4 - Entering the Labyrinth

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 Mei blinked. A small shadow seemed to be approaching her. As the figure approached her, towards the little light there was, she could hear its breathing. Finally, it stepped into the torchlight.

"A puppy!" Mei exclaimed, looking at the black dog. Its hackles were raised, and it stood in a defensive position. "Are you afraid of me?" Mei murmured, crouching down and reaching her hand out.

The dog relaxed and walked towards her warily. Mei cupped her hand around its head, stroking its long, black fur while the puppy licked her, its tail making thump-thump-thump noises against the cold floor. "You're so cute!" the girl cooed, cuddling the puppy and stroking its floppy ears. An idea came to her.

"Are you lost?" Mei asked the dog. The dog barked, and ran towards where it came from, further into the tunnel. "Where are you going? Wait for me!" Mei yelled, picking up the hem of her dress and hurrying after the dog, who was still barking frantically.

"Who comes?" a voice yelled. Mei jumped and looked ahead. Looming above her, was this lady with the body of a lion and wings. Finally, someone to talk to! Mei thought.

"Who are you? Where am I? How do I get out of here?" Mei asked frantically.

"You've entered the Sphinx's Lair. I am the Sphinx, and I think I'm the one to be asking questions here. For now, you must beware," it replied. Rude! Mei thought.

"If you wish to pass through here alive, then you must answer my riddle to survive. I don't have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I'm white and empty. What am I?" the Sphinx asked.

Mei frowned. What is she talking about? She didn't even answer any of my other questions. Could she be talking about my father? But, my father's not white, and the only thing empty about him is his lack of morals and his soul! I hope King Yemma judges his soul and condemns him to the deepest layer of hell! Even though, she lamented, I am made from the bones of my father, perhaps I should be nicer.

"Do you have an answer?" the Sphinx asked. The bones of my father...

"His skull!" I said, grinning. The Sphinx sighed and moved aside. "Wait, you haven't answered my other question!" Mei shouted. The Sphinx paused and looked down at her.

"You will find your way out of here sooner or later. Follow the path ahead." And with that, the puppy raced ahead, with Mei shouting and running after it. 

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