Chapter 15 - Alastor

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"Who're you?" Lio asked. Her face wasn't surprised. Lio was done with being surprised.

"Why did you just come into my cabin and go to sleep!?" The boy demanded. He looked about fourteen.

"You're Nico?"

"How d'you know my name?" Nico asked.

"Your boyfriend told me. So, what are you guys? Like... Willo? Nill? Oh Gods!!! Solangelo!" Lio said in a fangirl voice. She wasn't like this often, but when she was, she could make you blush like Aphrodite caught on Hephaestus TV with Ares.

"Wha- No- I mean-" Nico blushed as red a a tomato in the Demeter cabin (Wow, those two things are kinda similar. It's like a metaphor or something!)

"Well, I have places to go, things to do!" Lio said.

"Wait- Powers- Control- Don't hold grudges," By the time Nico was done, Lio was already out the door.

Lio ran to half-blood hill. She felt like she should run into the pine tree. Stupid? Probably. Useful? Yes. She ran into the tree, and before she knew it, she was running through a pitch black tunnel. When she stopped running, she ended up on the top of a tree, outside an apartment complex. Her apartment complex. Like any hero, her natural instinct was to fall out of the tree and throw up. When she was done and had taken the elevator up to her apartment, she saw that it had been turned into a museum.

"Wha-" She read the sign. The House of Lio Soul: A violent teen who murdered her family, and disappeared.

"I didn't kill her," Lio said. Her voice was full of sadness and hate. She walked inside. Lio wandered through the museum, looking at the exhibits. Wow, that board is bloodier than I remember. She finally stopped at her bedroom. It was just like she remembered, only cleaner. She picked up her favorite teddy bear.

"Brownie, what've I done? Have you been sitting here all these years? Must've been lonely." She took him with her, along with her soft white quilt, and walked out of the building.

"Most people don't steal from museums about murderers. Especially not the murderer's teddy bear," Said a voice from behind her

"I'm not most people." She unsheathed her dagger and slashed at him, skimming his arm. "You're not mortal."

"Yeah, you're observant." The man said,gripping his arm. He had light brown hair, and green eyes. He looked about a year older than her. "Name's Callix. Child of Alastor."

"Do you go to Camp Half-Blood?"

"Dionysus wanted to know why you left the camp."

"No he didn't. He's not there," Lio ran straight into the tree, and back through the shadows to camp.

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