Chapter 21 - Why I Hate Apollo

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Lio woke up in a field of flowers, surrounded by old war tents. Am I dreaming? She thought, unsurprised. Someone walked out of the largest tent.

“There won’t be a better opportunity. We have to launch the attack today. If he has no army, he won’t have a bunch of idiots killing innocent villagers,” the girl said. She looked just like Lio, but she had brown hair, and golden eyes.

“And what of Apollo?” The man following her asked.

“We can’t kill gods. If we’re lucky, Zeus will punish him.”

“I will inform the troops, Commander Cass,” The man said. The girl smiled.

“You needn’t call me that, Alekos. You are, after all, my co-commander.” Everything went black. Lio felt like she was plummeting down a dark hole. She woke up at the scene of a battle. The ground was scattered with dead corpses. You couldn’t take a move an inch without stepping on one. There were only about twenty men left. Lio saw the girl, Cass walk up to a man she knew to be Apollo in his godly form. Not the unglorified teenager she saw at camp.

“Cass, you need to stop this madness. It’s getting out of control. You’re upsetting the gods!” Apollo said.

“Last I checked I only upset one god. The god of killing innocent people without one drop of sympathy!” Cass lunged at him, knife in hand, and he grabbed the knife, slitting her throat. Just another one of the millions of people he’d killed. Except this time it was different. A single tear slid down his cheek as he made his way back to Mount Olympus.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I was in the infirmary, but the surgery was over. I saw a boy lurking in the corner. Someone I’d heard Will talking about earlier. Lester Papadopoulos.

“W-what are you doing in here?!” Lio exclaimed, scooting back.

“Giving you visions of splendor,” Apollo stated.

“You think it’s funny?! Reminding me of that? I waited years in the underworld, tortured with my own thoughts! I was the first tortured soul in elysium! All because I knew I didn’t belong there…” Lio said, a look of guilt sweeping her face. “I had to forget, and you had to come back and remind, huh?” Apollo looked confused beyond words.

“You-You shouldn’t’ve been guilty,” Apollo said. A look of hatred mixed with pain crossed Lio’s face, hitting Apollo with an arduous recognition. She’d made the very same face when he killed her.

“The only reason I’d be guilty is because I stooped to your level!” Lio spat. “Killing innocent people who you ensnared with godly powers.” She said godly in the worst way, as if the gods had caused World War II. Which they did. Lio got up, and stormed out of the room, but was stopped at the door by a hand gripping her arm. Apollo’s touch seared against her ice cold skin, like fire. She wrenched her arm away, barely cringing at the red mark on her arm.

“You no longer have your godly strength, Lester!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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